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No. | Item |
Application for the grant of a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 PDF 329 KB
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced himself and his fellow Sub-Committee Members and officers then explained their roles. As well as acknowledging the documents he explained the procedure to be followed during this meeting of the Sub-Committee.
The Licensing Officer introduced his previously circulated report. An application had been received from Mark Streeter for a Premises Licence to be granted for Coffee Couture, Wimbleball Lake.
The application was initially submitted to allow for the supply of alcohol – both for consumption on the premises and also for consumption off of the premises – between the hours of 11:00 and 23:30 Monday to Sunday. Upon receipt of the application, the Licensing Department had duly notified Environmental Health and Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Following the notification, objection notices had been received from Interested Parties.
Mediation between the Applicant and the Interested Parties was held on the 30 June 2020. In discussions that followed, the Applicant was prepared to agree amendments to proposed timings and activities, which included the removal of off-sales from the application (thereby leaving only on-sales) and the reduction of the licensable times to 11am – 4pm daily. Furthermore, they were prepared to introduce an extra condition that restricted the sale of alcohol to purchases of food made for consumption on the premises. However, as both parties were not able to reach an agreed position, officers proceeded with the hearing.
Detailed in the Officer’s report were the four licensing objectives. The Sub-Committee was reminded that the Licensing Policy required the Licensing Authority to carry out its various functions to promote these objectives. These were:-
The objectives would be paramount considerations when determining a course of action in relation to the Licensing Authority’s licensing functions. Each objective would be given equal importance.
The following comments and points were presented by the Interested Parties in relation to their written objections:- |
Minutes: The attached Sub-Committee’s decision was read out by the Council’s Legal Representative. |