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Decisions published

01/07/2021 - Authority to grant a 99 year lease of land know as Fox's Field, adjacent to Tonedale Mills, Wellington. ref: 1313    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder

Decision published: 06/07/2021

Effective from: 14/07/2021


Details of decision:   


Authority is sought to grant a 99 year lease of land know as Fox’s Field adjacent to Tonedale Mills to Wellington Mills CIC (WMCIC)


Reasons for proposed decision:  


Fox’s Field was purchased as a strategic land acquisition by SWT with the intention of safeguarding the development of Tonedale Mill (flood alleviation) and the potential future delivery of the Wellington Railway Station and future aims should tie in with these requirements.


SWT is committed to working in partnership with the WMCIC (in consultation with and with input from HE) in order to deliver projects in relation to Tonedale Mill, ToneWorks and Fox’s Field, and to work together to the benefit of the residents of Wellington and Tonedale to enhance the heritage and natural assets at Tonedale, specifically those which are currently considered Heritage at Risk, or associated with those at risk. 


To this end SWT and WMCIC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, and in relation to Fox’s Field, both parties are to commit to the retention of Fox’s Field as open space for the community and work towards the creation of a forest garden to enhance the health and well-being of residents of Tonedale and Wellington, with special emphasis on increasing the biodiversity, enriching the wildlife habitat and enhanced flood mitigation, with the primary use and long-term vision for the field will be as an open access, community-managed forest garden. 


In line with clause 4.30 of the MOU, SWT and WMCIC have discussed terms for a long lease of the land for the site, and as a substantial proportion of the field is to be used as a community forest garden WMCIC have requested a 99 year lease, to allow the newly planted trees to become established. 


Subject to the authority to grant this 99 year term the following has been agreed:-


The land will be used for open space for the community and work towards the creation of a forest garden to enhance the health and well-being of residents of Tonedale and Wellington, with special emphasis on increasing the biodiversity, enriching the wildlife habitat and enhanced flood mitigation.


1. Grant of lease is conditional on the TVG application to SCC being withdrawn.(WMCIC have started this process)



2.   SWT reserve the right for all or any flood alleviation works required on the land, and toallow any enabling or construction in connection with a new railway station.

3.   Use and occupation of the land and the lease is subject to the MOU between SWT and


4.   WMCIC will provide a 5 year management plan, reviewed and agreed for each 5 yearperiod.

5.   No guarantee is offered for the land to be suitable for growing edible crops due to itshistoric use and location adjoining the works.

6.   Subject to Contract and authorisation.

Alternative funding options sourced:

It is intended that the WMCIC will lead the Project in partnership  with Transition Town Wellington(TTW) and will involve local volunteers and other interested organisations. The WMCIC will work in partnership with TTW to attract and administer public subsidy funding. SWT will be a supportive partner in any grant applications. 


18/06/2021 - Submission of "Vision for Tonedale" Levelling Up bid ref: 1312    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder

Decision published: 22/06/2021

Effective from: 18/06/2021


Details of decision: 


The Portfolio Holder approves Somerset West and Taunton Council’s submission of a bid into the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government’s Levelling Up bid, entitled “A Vision for Tonedale”



Reasons for proposed decision: 

This Levelling Up bid provides an opportunity for Somerset West and Taunton, working in partnership with many partners, stakeholders, and the community at large to deliver benefits in community and commercial sectors, education and apprenticeships, health and wellbeing, employment opportunities and environmental improvements, whilst simultaneously meeting many of the Levelling Up outputs under the regeneration and cultural criteria.


Tonedale Mill and the surrounding green spaces and waterways are integral to the fabric of Wellington both as a place and as crucially in its identity. The deterioration of the nationally significant industrial fabric and infrastructure whilst in private ownership has reached a critical point, but it is not too late. The Levelling Up bid can combine the needs of the community with the salvation of the natural and built assets to the benefit of all.


Consultation to date:

Regular updates have been provided to the Wellington Town Council and Langford Budville Parish Council. Significant local stakeholders and consultation has occurred through our partnership with the Wellington Mills CIC.


WMCIC was established in 2018. In January 2021 SWT signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the group to formalise and demonstrate the joint commitment to the heritage and environment of Wellington. They have completed multiple rounds of community consultation for the sites and may become end users for parts of each project.


SWT are also working closely with community sports, cultural and leisure groups who are interested in or who would benefit from the community land consolidation project.







Alternative funding options sourced:

The submission into the Levelling up fund bid does refer to a number of match funding contributions that have been made by SWT, including capital and revenue expenditure. This funding is already committed and/or spent and does not require further approval.


There is no financial ask of SWT in the Levelling Up fund. A report to Full Council will follow the submission to request that should the bid be successful, a supplementary capital budget is created to allow the spend of the monies on the projects described. The LUF proposal stipulates that some of the funds must be spent in financial year 21/22, hence this paper seeks approval to spend the funds if successful ahead of time to allow time for procurement and design to take place.





The below has been completed:






Relevant ward councillor(s) consulted

Cllr Janet Lloyd

Cllr Keith Wheatley

Cllr Andrew Govier

Cllr Vivienne Stock-Williams

Cllr Mark Lithgow



The following are if appropriate / applicable:  Yes/No.  If yes the implications should be attached to this decision notice.


Finance implications


No further finance implications on the submission


Legal implications


No further implications on the submission


Links to corporate aims




Climate and Sustainability implications


No further implications on the submission


Community Safety Implications

No further implications on the submission


Equalities Impact


Safeguarding Implications

No further implications on the submission


Risk management




Partnership implications




Any conflicts of interest declared by Leader or Executive Members consulted on the proposed decision.  If Yes provide confirmation from Chief Executive to grant dispensation for the Leader’s / Executive Member’s views to be considered.