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Decisions published

23/03/2023 - 5-year extension of the contracts for the provision of management and operation of sports and leisure facilities (Lot 1 and Lot 2) within the district of Somerset West and Taunton ref: 1431    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Sports, Parks, Leisure and Phosphates Portfolio Holder

Decision published: 22/02/2023

Effective from: 31/03/2023


Details of decision:

Recommendation to approve:

A five-year extension to the Sports and Leisure Contract between Somerset West and Taunton Council and Sports and Leisure Management Limited (SLM) in respect of both the Lot 1 and Lot 2 contracts which includes a variation to the profile of Management Fee (payments made under the contract) for the remaining years of the contract.


This decision is made in accordance with clause 3.2 of the Contract for the provision of management and operation of sports and leisure facilities entered into by Somerset West and Taunton Council on 19th August 2019.


Reasons for proposed decision: 

Request from Sports and Leisure Management Limited for an Operator change notice in accordance with clause 38 of the Contract (see attached at Appendix 1.) To extend the Term of the contract by 5 years and to vary the profile of the management fee for the remaining years of the contract.


Variation of the management fee and extension is aimed to negate the impact of Covid upon the financial provisions within the contract and aims to return the financial provision to the Council to that set out in the original tender and contract.











The below has been completed:






Relevant ward councillor(s) consulted

N/A as impacts all wards



The following are if appropriate / applicable:  Yes/No.  If yes, the implications should be attached to this decision notice.


Finance implications


See notes below

Legal implications


See notes below

Links to corporate aims


See notes below

Climate and Sustainability implications



Community Safety Implications



Equalities Impact


Safeguarding Implications



Risk management



See notes below

Partnership implications


See notes below


Any conflicts of interest declared by Leader or Executive Members consulted on the proposed decision.  If Yes provide confirmation from Chief Executive to grant dispensation for the Leader’s / Executive Member’s views to be considered.




The Council entered into a contract with SLM to deliver leisure services on behalf of the council across our indoor facilities as well as Vivary Golf Course and High Ropes. This was approved by the Shadow Full Council on 22nd January 2019 and the contract commenced on 1st August 2019.


As set out in the earlier report to Council the new contract delivered an improved financial position for the Council of £6.9m over the initial term with an option to extend on the same terms for up to a further 10 years. Due diligence was undertaken on the SLM proposed business plan and financial checks were undertaken on the company. We also looked at other contracts where SLM were contractually obliged to pay significant sums to Local Authorities and found no evidence that they had failed to meet their obligations.


On 20th March 2020 the government announced and enforced a lockdown of all leisure facilities and during that year a further 2 lockdowns were declared. In doing so the vast majority of customers cancelled their direct debits (for fitness and swimming lessons in particular) and all over the country income dropped off to all but nothing. Whilst employees were furloughed there were still considerable costs associated with the centres, these costs were covered by the council and government support for the fianincial year 20/21 (year 1 of the contract). 


The Operator change notice is to address the impacts of Covid for the remainig years of the contract.  It reflects that most of the centres were closed during 20/21(three sperate lock downs) and therefore the growth in the centres memeberships is over one year behind those anticipated when the tender was submitted and therefore the new reprofiled income from SLM to the Council reflects this lost year but has more aggressive targets to ensure that the Council still received the total income of £6,273,449 set in the original tender in years 2 to 15.  By allowing the extension SLM are able to reprofile membership income and expenditure models. 


The provisions in relation to the financial aspects of the Lot 2 contract have remained unchanged during the COVID 19 pandemic and are not altered.


Financial Implications

The impact of the extension and reprofiling of the financial provisions (management fee) have been considered in respect of Somerset West and Taunton Council and Somerset Council (following 1st April 2023) with S151 Offciers at both Councils.


Appendix A  shows the details of the Pricing Schedule  (Schedule 4 of both Contracts) and compares the fees received under the original tender for Lot 1 and Lot 2 against the reprofiled fees under the 15-year provision for the remaining years of the contract e.g. years 2 to 15.


Full Council agreed on the 25th August 2020  to pay an additional £667,000 into the Leisure Services contract (Lot 1) for year one of the contract (2020 -2021) due to the COVID 19 pandemic and the restrictions placed upon the leisure services.  The 5-year extension and the reprofiling of the Management Fee (fees paid by both the Council (in red) and to the Council (in black)) allows the Council to receive the same fees £6,273,449 set over the original contract tender(prior to Covid variations), to be returned to the Council from years two to fithteen as set out in Appendix A.  The new profile of payments now has much smaller changes from year to year allowing for easier budget setting for the Council from year to year.


In respect of the alternative options:

1)     Reject the Operator change notice to extend the Contract and keep the contract as is for a period of 10 years rather than 15 and allow to continue with the pricing schedule as continue unchanged from April 2021 until the contract end.


 [ This has been rejected by the contractor as it igonres the impact that Covid has had on the contract and leisure provision,  This would likely result in a costly legal dispute and possible retendering of the contract which would result in addiotnal costs and within the current market a worse return in income for the Council.]


2)     Reject the Operator change notice and vary the pricing schedule for years 2 to 10 to reflect the amended payments made between the Parties due to Covid 19 and to be made for the remainder of the Contract.


 [ This was rejected during discussions due to a net reduction in income to the Council over the period year 2-10 circ £800k as reflected in appendix A]


3)     Extend Lot 1 by 5 years and vary the management fee as specified and do not extend or vary the Lot 2 contract.


 [This has been rejected as it would lead to the two lots of the current leisure contract having two different termination dates of 2030 and 2035]



Legal Implications


The Operator (Sports and Leisure Management Group Ltd) have proposed the Operation Change Notice attached at Appendix B The Council under clause 38 of the Contracts has a duty to evaluate the operator Notice of Change, taking into account all relevant issues, this has been carried out and a summary of such are included within this decision notice. As part of this consideration, Somerset West and Taunton Council have considered the position of the Council post 1st April 2023 and consulted the two Councils montoring offciers.


In accordance with the provisions of clause 3.2 of the Contract (Lot 1 and Lot 2) “the Contract may be extended by agreement between the Parties by any number of periods up to an aggregate of 10 years. If the Parties agree the extension the Contract will be extended and the definition of Expiry Date shall be deemed amended accordingly and the Operator shall continue to provide Services in accordance with this Contract. The Management Fee payable for any extension period shall be set out in the Pricing Tables.”


The lot 1 and Lot 2 leisure contracts are therefore able to be extended by five years, with the agreement of both parties.  It has also been considered the implications set out in the financial section and the reason for taking such a decision so far before the end of the contract.


The amendment of the pricing tables is aimed to reprofile the financial elements of the Lot 1 and Lot 2 contract to enable the Council to receive the same income and expendture for Lot 1 and Lot 2 contracts.


In order to affect this decision a variation to both Lot 1 and Lot 2 contracts shall be drafted to amend the expiry date to 31st March 2035 and amend Schedule 4 the Pricing Tables to that shown as Appendix A, which reflects the payments to be made from the financial year 2021/22 until 2034/35.


A decision to extend the Sports and Leisure Management Contract, is an extension within a current contract’s terms and conditions, with no amendment to the total contract value to the Provider (£110,000,000 over 20 years). Such a decision falls within the definition of a key decision for Somerset West and Taunton for the following reasons. It is likely to be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising one or more wards in the District and to result in the Council incurring expenditure which is, or making of savings which are, significant (£500,000 or more) having regard to the Council’s budget for the service or functions to which the decision relates.


As the decision to extend and/vary both Lot 1 and Lot 2 Sports and Leisure Management Contract falls as a Key Decision it must be made by a member of the Executive.


This Key Decision does not fall within the provisions of the section 24 direction as it is not entering into a new contract and the contract extension delivers income to the new Council.  However the SCC key finaince and legal offciers and executive have been consulted.



Risk Management


The extension is within the original contract and does not change the amounts being payed to the Council during the length of the contract but does change the profile of the income.  Therefore any challenge is unlikely. 


Partnership Implications


Local Government Reform and the impact on the new unitary Council must be considered as part of this decision-making process.  The extension was agreed between both the Cocunil and the contractor over a period of negoatation.



13/02/2023 - Release of CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funds to SCC Active Travel Team to facilitate improvements to the cycling, walking and wheeling route between Comeytrowe and the town centre. ref: 1421    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Economic Development, Planning and Transportation Portfolio Holder

Decision published: 13/02/2023

Effective from: 21/02/2023


Details of decision:  £499,999 of collected CIL funds to be allocated to SCC’s Active Travel Team as match funding to enable an application for £1.8m of grant funding from Active Travel England to be used to deliver improvements to the cycling, walking and wheeling route between Comeytrowe and the town centre. 

Schemes include narrowing of side-road junction radii, new segregated cycle and pedestrian paths and crossing improvements. The location of these schemes directly impacts people travelling to and from Musgrove Park Hospital, Castle School and Parkfield School. 

Text Box: Reasons for proposed decision: The £499,999.00 of CIL funds allocated for cycle and pedestrian improvements was authorised by Full Council in December 2020.

Text Box: Alternative funding options sourced: £1.8m will be requested from Active Travel England if this £499,999.00 of CIL match funding is authorised.


The below has been completed:






Relevant ward councillor(s) consulted

Cllr Richard Lees

Cllr Simon Coles

Cllr Caroline Ellis

Cllr Martin Peters

Cllr Tom Deakin

Cllr Derek Perry

Cllr Habib Farbahi

Cllr John Hunt

Cllr Simon Nicholls


31 Jan 2023



The following are if appropriate / applicable:  Yes/No.  If yes the implications should be attached to this decision notice.


Finance implications


No – CIL funds collected and available for allocation to identified project. Attached application signed off by S151 Officer.




Legal implications





Links to corporate aims


Working towards a low-carbon, clean, green and prosperous district that attracts high quality employment opportunities and encourages healthy lifestyles.


Climate and Sustainability implications


Help to meet net zero targets. 

Improve air quality. 



Community Safety Implications

Reduce traffic congestion. 

Improve health and wellbeing. 



Equalities Impact


Safeguarding Implications



Risk management




Partnership implications




Any conflicts of interest declared by Leader or Executive Members consulted on the proposed decision.  If Yes provide confirmation from Chief Executive to grant dispensation for the Leader’s / Executive Member’s views to be considered.


19/07/2022 - Past Mayor's Street Naming Convention ref: 1420    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Taunton Charter Trustees

Made at meeting: 19/07/2022 - Taunton Charter Trustees

Decision published: 10/02/2023

Effective from: 19/07/2022


The purpose of this item was a recent enquiry into the Civic Office that there had apparently been a very longstanding custom of naming a road after Taunton and Taunton Deane Mayors as they passed away.


SWT Council’s street naming and numbering team had not recently received any applications to register development addresses that had the names of Taunton Deane Mayors who have passed away.


Name suggestions had mostly come from parishes but the team was always open to receiving street name suggestions for new developments with names of past Mayors who have passed away and would use them. Any request to name the street should be sent to the Council’s Street Naming and Numbering Officer using the email


SWT Council’s street naming and numbering guidance had been provided for more information on street and numbering.


This item was for discussion and for the Charter Trustees to note for future reference.


RESOLVED that the Charter Trustees discussed and noted the matter and requested officers to explore putting forward the following names for new roads coming forward:

-        Cllr John Meikle - a major roadway to recognise the outstanding Contribution of John Meikle as Mayor and Freeman (with over 50 years service as a Councillor).

-        Cllr Ted Softley - Ward Councillor for Castle and Wilton which would have been in the Unparished Area, which is currently represented by the Taunton Charter Trustees and would have perhaps looked similar to the old Manor and Wilton Ward (Killams Development).

-        Cllr Jean Hole - As a Councillor who used to reside in Trull Parish it was suggested that a road on the Orchard Grove Development may be an appropriate suggestion.


19/07/2022 - Appointment of Members of the Standing Cttee 22/23 ref: 1419    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Taunton Charter Trustees

Made at meeting: 19/07/2022 - Taunton Charter Trustees

Decision published: 10/02/2023

Effective from: 19/07/2022


The clerk introduced this item which was to decided on the appointment of Charter Trustees, from nominations received from each group, to serve on the Standing Committee for the year 2022/2023.The proposed ‘Powers and Duties’ of the Standing Committee were set out in an attached document. If the Committee allocated politically proportionally as per the Standing Orders there would be 6 Liberal Democrats and 1 Labour seat, though it was within the gift of the political groups as to whether they took up their full entitlement.


RESOLVED that the following Councillors were appointed to the Standing Committee of the Taunton Charter Trustees for 2022/2023;


·        Cllr Simon Coles (Chair)

·        Cllr Chris Booth

·        Cllr Tom Deakin

·        Cllr Sue Lees

·        Cllr Martin Peters

·        Cllr Derek Perry

·        Cllr Libby Lisgo


19/07/2022 - Assessment of Risk ref: 1418    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Taunton Charter Trustees

Made at meeting: 19/07/2022 - Taunton Charter Trustees

Decision published: 10/02/2023

Effective from: 19/07/2022


The Charter Trustees had resolved at their previous meeting;


a)    That a Draft Action Plan and Draft Risk Register is circulated to the Charter Trustees and then taken to a Special Meeting of the Charter Trustees in July 2022 to ensure compliance for the 2022/23 Municipal Year.


The Charter Trustees were invited to consider and approve the attached register, assess the risk facing the authority and suggest any further steps necessary to manage such risks.


RESOLVED that the Charter Trustees:

1.     Approved the Risk Register.

2.     Assessed the risks facing the authority and suggested steps necessary to manage such risks.


19/07/2022 - Annual Internal Audit Report 21/22 ref: 1417    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Taunton Charter Trustees

Made at meeting: 19/07/2022 - Taunton Charter Trustees

Decision published: 10/02/2023

Effective from: 19/07/2022


The purpose of this item was to receive and note the Annual Internal Audit Report 2021/22.


RESOLVED to note the receipt of the Annual Internal Audit Report 2021/22.

19/07/2022 - Community Governance Review for Taunton - Stage 2 Consultation ref: 1416    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Taunton Charter Trustees

Made at meeting: 19/07/2022 - Taunton Charter Trustees

Decision published: 10/02/2023

Effective from: 19/07/2022


The Charter Trustees for Taunton had been notified by the District Council of the publication of the commencement of the second stage of consultation of the review. The Charter Trustees were able to submit a collective response or alternatively respond individually as Councillors.


At their meeting on 14th December 2021 the Charter Trustees had collectively agreed to respond to the Stage 1 Consultation as follows;


“We believe that a single Town Council should be set up to cover at least the whole of the currently unparished area of Taunton.”


During the discussion of this item, Members made comments and asked questions which included:-


·       Concerns were raised around the impact of a significant jump in the precept on residents.

·       Discussion was held on the situation if there was divergent responses from across the locality.


RESOLVED that the Charter Trustees would re-state their response to the Stage 2 Consultation as had been submitted to the Stage 1 Consultation, namely that:


We believe that a single Town Council for Taunton should be set up to cover whichever boundaries are established, taking into account the results of the consultation.”