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Decisions published

11/01/2022 - Decision on Land (Minehead Leisure) ref: 1344    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder

Decision published: 26/01/2022

Effective from: 03/02/2022


Details of decision: 


To hold a parcel of land in Minehead at the junction of Bircham Road and Seaward Way. In total the site covers approximately 8000 m2. For the delivery of a leisure facility in Minehead, to include a swimming pool.


Reasons for proposed decision: 


Since the closure of the West Somerset Council swimming pool in Minehead there has been considerable local interest to bring forward a replacement for that lost facility.


See attached supporting information for background information.



Alternative funding options sourced:


There are no financial implications with this decision – it is a formal mechanism to ensure the land is held, subject to necessary permissions and due process, to deliver a leisure facility in Minehead that includes a swimming pool.




The below has been completed:






Relevant ward councillor(s) consulted

Cllr Andrew Hadley (Minehead Central)

Cllr Craig Palmer (Minehead Central)

Cllr Terry Venner (Minehead North)

Dec 2021


The following are if appropriate / applicable:  Yes/No.  If yes the implications should be attached to this decision notice.


Finance implications




Legal implications




Links to corporate aims


Ensure our land and property assets support the achievement of the council’s objectives (including service delivery, regeneration projects and community initiatives)

Engage with the voluntary sector in their mission to help support our communities



Climate and Sustainability implications




Community Safety Implications



Equalities Impact


Safeguarding Implications



Risk management




Partnership implications