Issue - decisions

Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

10/11/2022 - Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Details of decision:


1)  Unique Events (SW) CIC -

A bid for £12,595 to support the costs of running the Taunton Christmas Lights Switch On event for 2022. The funding would cover the costs of Event Management, Traffic Management Costs, Infrastructure Costs and Entertainment.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £9000 be made towards this event.


2)  Taunton East Development Trust –

A bid for up to £2000 to support the running costs of a taught Skateboard Club at All Saints Church, Taunton.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the full amount be awarded.


3) Taunton Street Pastors –

A bid for the funding (£650) towards the costs of supporting the fees charged to the Taunton Street Pastors for the use of the radios/CCTV link for their patrols in Taunton on a Saturday night.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the full amount be awarded.


4) Obridge Allotments Ltd –

A bid for the funding to help with the installation of two to three toilets in Obridge Allotments (£5000)


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2018 be made to the project.


5)  Taunton Festival of the Arts -

A bid for funding of £1264 towards the costs of the running of a Pop Vocals Competition in the Tacchi Morris Centre in February 2023.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the full amount be awarded.


6)  Taunton Table Tennis -

A bid of £1000 to support the provision of equipment for a Table Tennis Club at Roman Road Church Hall, Taunton.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the full amount be awarded.


7)  Cllr Chris Booth –

A bid towards the costs of removing an overgrown Pyracantha bush in Allington Close, Taunton (Quotation - £500)


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the full amount be awarded.


Other business considered at the Standing Committee on 31/10:



Cllrs S Coles, L Lisgo, D Perry, H Prior-Sankey, B Weston

Cllr B Weston was a substitute for Cllr C Booth

Cllr H Prior-Sankey was a substitute for Cllr T Deakin

Cllr M Peters and S Lees sent apologies.

Representatives from each bidder attended.


1) Apologies – as above

2) Declarations of Interest –

Cllr B Weston and L Lisgo – Obridge Allotments (personal)

Cllr H Prior-Sankey – Street Pastors (left the room)

3) Requests for Civic Hospitality – An overview of the recent twinning trips by Cllr Smith and Cllr Weston was given and the upcoming remembrance costs.

4) Provisionally Committed Costs Outstanding – An update was given on those outstanding, which related mostly to transfers for work completed by the Street Scene/External Ops Team.

5) Any Other Business – N/A




The below has been completed:






Relevant ward councillor(s) consulted

As part of the bid process, all Charter Trustees have been made aware of the bids.



The following are if appropriate / applicable:  Yes/No.  If yes the implications should be attached to this decision notice.


Finance implications

The remaining funds for this year stand at £0


Legal implications




Links to corporate aims




Community Safety implications




Environmental implications



Equalities Impact


Safeguarding Implications




Risk management




Partnership implications




Any conflicts of interest declared by Executive PFH, Mayor or Standing Committee Members consulted on the proposed decision.  If Yes provide confirmation from Clerk to Charter Trustees to grant dispensation for the Mayor/Standing Committee Member’s views to be considered.




10/06/2022 - Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Details of decision:


1)  Go Create CIC & Creative Innovation Centre CIC -

A bid for £5000 to provide support toward the rental costs of the large meeting room at Flook House so that the two CIC’s and other not-for-profit organisations can support arts and cultural social enterprises to deliver community-based programmes, workshops, vocational learning and community meetings as identified in the Cultural Strategy. From arts health and wellbeing workshops to youth programmes and public events to encourage participation are just some of these events that will benefit the community. The costs for the meeting room cannot be supported by all associated organisations at this time as many are not-for-profit and funding the rent for 12 months will allow these organisations to look at non-SWT potential funding applications. The funds would also help make good the meeting room and other areas that the tenants will reside in e.g. painting, cosmetic works, etc. Thus, supporting the cultural strategy and helping to develop an arts and culture community asset.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2500 be awarded to this project.


2)  Voce Chamber Choir –

A bid for a contribution (circa £4200) to help prepare and deliver a free workshop for up to 20 people, followed by a free concert to be held in the Tudor Hall of the Old Municipal Building, which has a maximum capacity of 100 people. These events will both be actively promoted through local radio and social media, music clubs, art magazines, schools and colleges. There will be a focus on the music of Richard Mico, along with other music chosen on the theme of Births, Marriages and Death to reflect the current use of the building, which is home to Somerset Registration Services. This day will contribute to a wider project across the arts celebrating the 500th Anniversary of Old Municipal Buildings (OMB500) which will involve arts projects and contributions from a local historian and South West Heritage.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2100 be made to this project.


3)  Tim Hill and The Sound of the Streets –

A bid for a contribution (£6000) to this event, a free three-day festival. The Sound of the Streets will also create a website, make films and podcasts, and run education projects to inspire children and young people and support them to playing instruments and joining bands. The festival will run from 6pm Friday July 8th to 6pm Sunday, July 10th. The festival will be based in Goodland’s Gardens with a marquee and stage, plus a stage in Castle Green and performances in the High Street.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £3000 be made to the event.


4)  YMCA Taunton -

A bid for £4692 to replace existing lighting in their sports hall and dance studio. The current lighting in these areas is old, poor quality and in some cases broken. They wish to install LED lighting that will provide a brighter light and is more economical in terms of running costs and maintenance. Current users of the building find that the ineffective lighting curtails their participation and enjoyment of activities.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


5)  Taunton Pride CIC -

A bid for a contribution of £5511 towards the costs of the Pride Parade 2022 part of Taunton Live & Pride Festival 2022 celebrating the arts, diversity, culture and inclusivity with the theme of Educate / Celebrate and IntersectionAll.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2756 be made to the event.


6)  Cllr Hazel Prior-Sankey –

Further to its approval in principle subject to costings on 07/03, a bid towards the costs of putting hard standing underneath one of the two Basketball hoops in Hawthorn Park, Taunton. (Quotation - £2504)


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


7)  Cllr Tom Deakin -

A bid for the costs of installing one new General Purpose Bin in front of the Community Centre in Wilton and Sherford area at a cost of £1000, which would cover the installation plus a year of emptying.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


15/03/2022 - Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Details of decision:


1)  Somerset Armed Forces Day Committee -

A bid for a contribution towards the costs of putting on the Armed Forces Day free event in Vivary Park and Wilton Lands this summer.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2000 be made to the event. It is recommended that all funds were to be drawn down by December 2022 or they will be de-allocated.


2)  Creative Innovation Centre CIC –

A bid for a contribution towards the cost of installing new commercial grade aluminium front doors with windows to the Centre.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £1000 be made to this project. The bidders were advised to double check for any listed building/planning consent issues. It is recommended that all funds needed to be drawn down by December 2022 or they will be de-allocated.


3)  GoCreate Taunton CIC –

A bid for a contribution towards the costs of an outdoor trail of up to 30 corgi’s to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2000 be made to the event. It is recommended that all funds needed to be drawn down by December 2022 or they will be de-allocated.


4)  Crimestoppers in the West Country -

A bid for a contribution towards the ‘What Would You Do?’ programme working with 9-10 year olds through drama based workshops and performance. The project is an early intervention to grooming for gang crime (including county lines), online safety, healthy relationships, mob mentality and Child (sexual and criminal) exploitation and will be specifically run in Halcon and North Taunton.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2000 be made to the event. It is recommended that all funds needed to be drawn down by December 2022 or they will be de-allocated.





5)  Craig Stone – SWT Town Centre Resilience and Transformation Lead

A bid for a contribution towards the costs of various Jubilee themed activities and enhancements taking place across the towns in the District this summer. A list of enhancements worth around £21,000 were highlighted in the bid.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that whilst they were fully supportive of the work, the lack of funding available to the Charter Trustees, not being a Town Council, meant that they unfortunately could not supplement with funds from this years Special Expenses budget, which was limited in size. They recommended that the Officer liaise with Officers supporting the Charter Trustees to see if the Mayoral Activities and Events budget could help support this activity and that they may be in a position to offer further support later in the year once the position has been established on the disbursement of the Special Expenses Budget for 22/23.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources subsequent to this has agreed to support the activities for Taunton by allocating the £4000 in the Special Expenses budget which has been held ring-fenced to be re-charged to SWT for the costs associated with Mayoral Activities and Events in previous years to be used towards supporting the Jubilee activities this forthcoming year.


6)  Cllr Chris Booth -

A bid for the costs of installing new play equipment in the Lane Estate area at Blenheim Road Play Park and Allington Close Park following requests from the community. The total costs expected are £10,649.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


7)  Cllr Tom Deakin - St. George’s Church, Wilton PCC

A bid towards the costs of installing bike racks outside St. George’s Church Wilton, for up to six cycles. The bidders were advised to check for any requirements around Heritage or Planning consents before undertaking the work. The total cost of the project was anticipated as being £250.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


8)  Cllr Simon Coles -

A bid for the costs of installing two new Litter/Dog Bins in the Firepool/ Canal Area at a cost of £1000 per bin, which would cover the installation plus two years of emptying.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


9)  Cllr Hazel Prior-Sankey -

A bid towards the costs of putting hard standing underneath one of the two Basketball hoops in Hawthorn Park, Taunton.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that whilst they agreed with the merits of the project in principle, without a quote from the Parks and Open Spaces Team for the work this bid would need to come back for final confirmation of support.



The below has been completed:






Relevant ward councillor(s) consulted

As part of the bid process, all Charter Trustees have been made aware of the bids.



The following are if appropriate / applicable:  Yes/No.  If yes the implications should be attached to this decision notice.


Finance implications

The remaining funds for this year stand at £1139.70


Legal implications




Links to corporate aims




Community Safety implications




Environmental implications



Equalities Impact


Safeguarding Implications




Risk management




Partnership implications




Any conflicts of interest declared by Executive PFH, Mayor or Standing Committee Members consulted on the proposed decision.  If Yes provide confirmation from Clerk to Charter Trustees to grant dispensation for the Mayor/Standing Committee Member’s views to be considered.






Decision Maker


I am aware of the details of this decision(s), considered the reasons, options, representations and consultation responses and give my approval / agreement to its implementation.





Name:   Councillor Ross Henley


Date:   15/03/2022


Note – This decision record is for decisions taken by the SWT Executive PFH following a recommendation by the Standing Committee of the Charter Trustees of Taunton. The decision(s) can be implemented following publication.


Note:  A copy should also be sent to the Governance Team and Civic Office –


13/12/2021 - Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Details of decision:


1)  Unlocking Potential Somerset -

A bid to continue to support the costs of running one of the three, three year ‘Insights to Apprenticeships’ programmes being run across the Taunton Deane area and specifically the Unparished Area. (£12,000 had been granted in year one (July 2020), with an expected cost of £36,000 over the life of the project.).


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the allocated funds of £24,000 were released to the Unlocking Potential Somerset project to enable them to complete years 2 and 3 of the project. Three requests were made


1)         A breakdown of the households from the Unparished Area participating in the scheme if possible.

2)         Further feedback in due course on the Academic year/calendar year approach and any change to that.

3)         A written update report in 6 months time if possible.


2)  Southern Sinfonia Chamber Orchestra –

A bid to support the costs of running two small concert recitals in individual Care Homes for those who are unable to go out and /or a concert in a community church hall (St James) to which the audience can travel and another concert for a larger audience (probably approximately 80 people) in St James would take place in spring or summer 2022 when the weather should be better for travel. The proposed budget for a concert in each of two Care homes would be £2,600 in total. The budget for a concert in St James Church Hall would be £2,620, with the same number of musicians, and would include hall hire for the day.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the Chamber Orchestra were provided with the £2600 to fund the two concerts in care homes in the Unparished Area. The proposal for a concert at St. James in Spring/Summer 2022 was felt to require further detail.


3)  Cllr Chris Booth –

A bid to utilise a historical capital budget of around £10,995 specifically ring-fenced for the replenishment of play equipment in Unparished Area parks. A proposal had been worked up by Cllr Booth to place various pieces of equipment in Hamilton Gault Park including a nest rocker with back support, inclusive back to back roundabout and a swing with a parent/child seat.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended the approval of this bid.


4)  Cllr Hazel Prior-Sankey –

A bid to install two waste bins on the green area between Laurel Close and Sycamore Close and another on Holway Road by the stream. The bid total is £2000 and would fund the installation and emptying until 2023.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended approval of this bid.


5)  North Taunton Partnership –

A bid of £1450 to the Contain Outbreak Management Funding supplied to the Taunton Charter Trustees/Somerset West and Taunton Council on behalf of Somerset West and Taunton Council. The funds would enable the partnership to restart their social, fitness and educational groups on hold since March 2020. These include games afternoons X 2. Weekly luncheon club. Computer support group. Tai chi. Circuits exercise class. Cooking group. Knit & Natter. Creative Writing group. History group. Tea & Talk. Health Walks. Write to Read.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended approval of this bid.


The Standing Committee also considered matters relating to Civic Hospitality and approved the spend for circa £2000 related to the Remembrance events that the Mayor would be hosting in the Town, which included Orders of Service printing, Transport, PA Kit hire, repair of robes and replacement Civic Marshall Stathe. This would be funded from the approved Civic Trustee budget and a further budget monitoring report would be provided to the Charter Trustees at their December meeting.


27/09/2021 - Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Details of decision:


1)  St. Mary Magdalene Church PCC -

A bid for a contribution to the refurbishment of the Coach House, a Grade II listed building in the Church yard for community use. They currently have raised circa £98,000 as at September 2021.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the project was awarded a contribution of £5000, to be released upon notification that the entire project budget requirement had been successfully fund-raised. The Standing Committee recommended that the PCC facilitate discussion with SWT to see if that authority would be willing to help contribute to the project by assisting with the landscaping aspects.


2)  Bath Place Traders Association –

A bid for a contribution to fund the cost of repairing and repainting 22 shop fronts in Bath Place, Taunton. This is just part of their overall project to keep Bath Place looking as clean, tidy and attractive as they possibly can. Bath Place Traders Association was set up in 1998 and currently has 18 members. BPTA and the committee themselves do not have any connections to the 3 businesses who have submitted quotes for this work.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £5400 was awarded to the Association. They requested that the Economic Development department of the District Council supported the Association if possible in fundraising the rest of the required monies.


3)  COACH Centre for Outdoor Activity & Community Hub –

A bid for to fund a defibrillator, defibrillator box, pads and installation that can be erected on the outside of COACH so that it can be used by the community in an emergency to save lives. The cost of the project is outlined as £2,545.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended to offer a contribution of £500.


09/04/2021 - Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Details of decision:


1)  Huish Tigers CIC -

A bid for a contribution (£5269) towards the equipment costs related to the set-up of a new not-for- profit community voluntary group formed ‘The Huish Tigers’ who formulated plans under a club committee to turn a 6 acre grass field containing a rifle range originally unused by the MOD for several years into a playing area for community sport. There is a need for further equipment to address and maintain this area which will provide access for sport players and the general public.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee were supportive of the aims of the organisation and recommended that the applicants be awarded a contribution of £3973 to fund all of the capital equipment costs, minus the goal posts. The applicants were encouraged to apply to a relevant sports funding organisation for this element.


2)  Friends of Longrun Meadow/ Somerset Environmental Records Centre –

A bid for a contribution of at least £800 to support the £1450 shortfall in support of a Wildlife Project (total cost £9,900) in Taunton. The project involves engaging the local communities in Taunton in a project to record wildlife 'observations and sightings’, whether on the meadow, parks, schools or in their gardens across Taunton. The information will then be available for all to see through the map so that individuals are able to gain a good understanding of the wildlife and habitats that exists in their midst and be motivated and encouraged to act to protect the habitats that support diverse range of wildlife in our town/locality.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended unanimously to support the application and recommended a contribution of £800 towards this project.


3)  Eaton Crescent Neighbourhood Watch –

A bid in principle for up to approximately £650 and a further £250.00 to fund the labour and installation by the DLO of a metal and lockable Information Board on the green space, Eaton Crescent Estate in Taunton.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended to support the application to a maximum of £900 costs in total, with any funds unspent to be returned to the Unparished Fund.



4)  Taunton Town Centre Working Group –

A bid for approximately £750.00 to replace a knocked down floodlight column on The West Wing of the Market House, next to the bus stop which would help support the wider plans to upgrade the lighting infrastructure around the Market House.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid was supported to a maximum of £750.00 in total, with any funds unspent to be returned to the Unparished Fund.


5) Councillor Martin Peters –

A bid for £1046.24 to enable a new dog bin to be installed by the Galmington Stream adjacent to Ramshorn Green, off Manor Orchard. The bid covers the costs of the bin plus installation (approximately £420) and emptying it over the following two year period.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid was supported.


6)  Councillor Hazel Prior-Sankey -

A bid for £1046.24 to enable a new dog bin to be installed adjacent to Holley Close, on the path that runs down Hawthorn Drive, Taunton. The bid covers the costs of the bin plus installation (approximately £420) and emptying it over the following two year period.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid was supported.


7)  Councillor Derek Perry

A bid for £2092.48 to enable two new dog bins to be installed by Killams Green Open Space. The bid covers the costs of the bin plus installations (approximately £420) and emptying them over the following two year period.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid was supported.


8)  Councillor Fran Smith -

A bid for approximately £1200 to fund the installation of a bench in the Blackbrook and Holway Ward. The bid covers the costs of the bench plus installation (approximately £400).


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid was supported to a maximum cost of £1400, with any underspend returned to the Unparished Fund.


Total: £12,007.96


*Dog Bins – All new dog bins installed to be collected by the District Council until May 2023, at which point the future determination of permanent liability for payment will have been decided as part of the Governance review for the Unparished Area of Taunton. It was agreed that Councillor Lisgo would work with the Clerk to design a streamlined process for approving new dog bins. SWT to be requested to provide a spreadsheet of all current dog bins in the Unparished Area of Taunton.



17/12/2020 - Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Details of decision:


1)  Taunton East Development Trust - A bid to fund the replacement of a rotten fence at the Link Centre in Moorland Road. The bid is for the cost of the works of £1450.00.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended unanimously the approval of the £1450.00 cost towards the costs of the works. The applicants were to be commended on an exemplary application,  providing a range of background information on their organisation which was appreciated.


2)  Cllr Brenda Weston – A bid to fund the preventative repair of the brickwork of Whirligig Lane in Taunton. The bid is for the cost of the capital works project of £5000.00 with a £1000.00 contingency to be undertaken by SWT’s DLO.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended the approval of the proposal unanimously and ring-fence the funds for such a purpose in the Unparished Fund accounts. In the interim period before works could commence, the Standing Committee requested the Clerk to seek a written agreement between SWT and SCC recognising the differing responsibilities and obligations between the two authorities on this right of way and a written commitment as to their ongoing maintenance intentions. It was suggested the Clerk/Councillors continue to try and contact Highways officers and the Portfolio Holder for Transport at the County Council, Arts Taunton, and Officers with responsibility for Heritage and the Town Centre Area Action Plan at SWT.


The remaining funds stand at £17,082.42