Issue - decisions

Emergency Fund for COVID Impact

31/03/2020 - Emergency Fund for COVID Impact

The Government has launched a range of measures with associated funding for the Council’s and other local authorities’ response to COVID-19. It is evident that there is a need for up-front funding for a range of support measures being implemented by Somerset West and Taunton Council, and to mitigate increased demand for services and reductions in funding for vital local services.


It is therefore proposed to create a COVID Emergency Fund of £1,000,000 for General Fund services and a COVID Emergency Fund of £500,000 for Housing (HRA) services.


The Government has indicated that local authorities will receive additional funding to meet the costs of COVID-19 response. Therefore the Council will seek to recover these funds from Government during 2020/21. However, in the meantime it is proposed to underwrite the above sums by reprioritising £1,000,000 from New Homes Bonus grant reserve and £500,000 from the Housing Capital Debt Repayment budget.


Actual costs and funding requirement will be monitored throughout the year, with the full impact reported in due course.