Committee details

Joint Scrutiny Panel of the Somerset Rivers Authority

Purpose of committee

This committee is managed by Somerset County Council.

Joint Scrutiny Panel of the Somerset Rivers Authority


Current Membership:-


Cllr S Coles (Chair, Somerset West & Taunton) 

Cllr J Cousins (Mendip)

Cllr J Nash (Mendip)

Cllr B Smedley (Sedgemoor)

Cllr A Betty (Sedgemoor)

Cllr John Hunt (Somerset CC)

Cllr A Groskop (Somerset CC)

Cllr L Lisgo (Somerset West & Taunton)

Cllr P Maxwell (South Somerset)

Cllr R Pailthorpe (South Somerset)

D Vigar (Parrett Internal Drainage Board)

W Welland (Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board)


Contact information

Support officer: Fiona Abbott, Email: