This committee is managed by Somerset County Council.
Joint Scrutiny Panel of the Somerset Rivers Authority
Current Membership:-
Cllr S Coles (Chair, Somerset West & Taunton)
Cllr J Cousins (Mendip)
Cllr J Nash (Mendip)
Cllr B Smedley (Sedgemoor)
Cllr A Betty (Sedgemoor)
Cllr John Hunt (Somerset CC)
Cllr A Groskop (Somerset CC)
Cllr L Lisgo (Somerset West & Taunton)
Cllr P Maxwell (South Somerset)
Cllr R Pailthorpe (South Somerset)
D Vigar (Parrett Internal Drainage Board)
W Welland (Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board)
Support officer: Fiona Abbott, Email: