Part I – To deal with written questions to the Executive.
Part II – To receive reports from the following Members of the Executive:-
a) Councillor Federica Smith-Roberts – Leader of the Council
b) Councillor Derek Perry – Deputy Leader & Sports, Parks, Leisure and Phosphates
c) Councillor Benet Allen – Corporate Resources
d) Councillor Christopher Booth – Community
e) Councillor Caroline Ellis – Culture
f) Councillor Dixie Darch – Climate Change
g) Councillor Mike Rigby – Economic Development, Planning and Transportation
h) Councillor Francesca Smith - Housing
i) Councillor Andy Sully – Environmental Services
j) Councillor Wakefield – Local Government Reorganisation
An Executive Councillor shall submit a report to an Ordinary Meeting of the Council as to current and future business of their portfolio for the information of and comment from the Council. Such reports are for discussion and comment only and no motion shall be put to the meeting as to any such item other than those closure motions described in Standing Order 5.
During the discussion, the following points were raised:-
· Concerns were raised on the Blenheim Gardens Café lease, which included planning compliance, public space protection orders and petitions.
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Planning and Transportation advised that the works needed to be compliant and that the café would need to be open for business by end of March 2023 otherwise the tenant would in breach of their lease.
· Councillors requested an update on the Dragon Project in Taunton.
The Portfolio Holder for Culture advised that it was a great public art project for the town centre and that they were excited for the unveiling event which was due to take place on 11 February 2023.
· Concern was raised on the overemphasis made that members of the public should be IT literate to access council services.
The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources advised that the council would always offer alternative ways of contacting the council to offer support to customers.
· Councillors queried what digital transformation had taken place.
The Leader of the Council would provide a written answer.
Supporting documents: