Agenda item

Avon and Somerset Police Crime Commissioner - Mark Shelford

To receive an update on the work of Avon and Somerset Police Authority.


The Chair welcomed back Mark Shelford who had agreed to return annually and provide an update on his work.


Mark had attended a conference on the previous day (Wednesday 11 January), which had been facilitated by the Avon and Somerset Policing Team working with Women’s Aid and was hosted at Butlins. The aims of the conference were to raise awareness on: -


·       Drugs – dealing, and spotting the signs of drug misuse;

·       Domestic Abuse,

·       Child Protection and safeguarding.


It was well attended by statutory agencies and Butlins staff and was a good networking opportunity.


The PCC’s main areas of focus and priorities are:-


·       Cybercrime – 50% of all reported crime in Avon and Somerset has an element of computer fraud/scamming and is carried out online. The PCC is taking steps to address this by encouraging more graduate recruitment and sponsorship of learning through the private sector, to enable the employment of Cyber-Police. He advised that the police are doing all they can to alert people of the pitfalls and the STOP – THINK – BE AWARE campaign. Less than 1.5% of resource is currently allocated to this type of crime, and he is doing what he can to address this. 75% of all cyber crime has a foreign criminal element.

·       Child Sexploitation – 15% of all reported crime in Avon and Somerset centred around vulnerable children, county lines and other child exploitation. His office was working with SCC to establish safer networks for those children who found themselves on the wrong side of the law.

·       Recruiting to the Police Volunteer Panels. The deadline to volunteer to be part of these panels has been extended to 31 January 2023. The PCC is very keen that representatives from all parts of the County are encouraged to participate. He handed out some leaflets at the meeting but further information can be found on the website.

·       ASP Precept Survey Online. The precept accounts for 41% of police funding and the rest is from central Government grants. The Government also determines the maximum amount by which PCCs can increase the precept each year. For next year, the Government has allowed PCCs to increase the precept by £15 for a band D household (equivalent to 6%). The Government assume that PCCs will ask for the maximum allowed and use this assumption in their budget setting. Complete this survey to let the PCC know your thoughts on increasing the amount of money which goes towards policing through your council tax.





Questions from the Panel

What is being done to tackle Rural Crime?

The Rural Affairs Policing team has had more resource implemented in the form of vehicles and two designated police drones. It is anticipated that more officers will be deployed here to double the size of the existing team.


493 extra police officers have been recruited across the Force Area.


In addition a special Task Force, under Operation Remedy can be targeted at specific crime areas and share intelligence in order to try and tackle crime hot-spots.


Catalytic Converter Crime – how is this being addressed?

Owners of such vehicles are being given preventative advice. Police are targeting scrap dealers who will ultimately be sold the stolen catalytic converters in an attempt to reduce the market on precious metals. Theft of this type has become rarer in recent months, which gives the PCC reason to believe that the crime prevention methods and deterrents are working.


Scamming – what can we do to prevent this?

ASP have a team of 2 ladies who can give talks on raising awareness of Cybercrime. They have responded positively to invitations from parish councils. Any parish council wishing to book their services can email


If someone is the victim of a cyber-crime it needs to be reported in the first instance to Action Fraud who will refer it to the relevant organisation. (This could be either the police or the regional crime squad). The police have also produced a booklet called the Little Book of Big Scams.


Can Parish Councillors attend the PCC Forum being held in Taunton on 24 January?

Yes – absolutely. Invitations should have been distributed to parish clerks as well as the district and county councillors. Participation is actively encouraged. There will hopefully be further dates added in the calendar.