Winter Maintenance Programme
Andrew Turner opened the meeting by stating that David Peake sent his apologies as for the first time in 22 years he would not be present to deliver the winter programme. He sent his best wishes and asked to be remembered fondly to the panel.
This year an additional 900miles of road has been added to the existing infrastructure, which is the responsibility of SCC to maintain. On Exmoor there will be no change to the routes, and pre-salting as well as reactive maintenance will be replicated as in previous years.
Winter Equipment - 2 new snow-ploughs have been purchased, and some farmers will be given front ploughs for their own tractors as replacement for end-of-life equipment. If diversion routes need to be gritted can these be reported via the portal as a matter of urgency.
Salt bins – Salt levels are being checked and the parish clerks have been notified about monitoring and returning their winter requirements to the team. During the course of the discussion it was commented that in some places, salt containers would be more suitable than bags to prevent livestock from disrupting the supply. Can salt containers also be placed away from signage on the highway because the signs get bent when the animals lean on them! ACTION POINT - identified as a devolved funding request for 3 new salt bins. An alternative to bags so that livestock can’t get into the contents. 3 locations identified in the meeting – follow up required. (Mike Ellicott is aware of requirements, but wider than just Exford parish).
Hedge-Cutting and Maintenance – Selworthy Parish Council reported that 1 cut a year on hedges in their parish was not sufficient to keep the highway safe for pedestrians. The hedges were at height as the fields were above highway level, and the overhang from overgrowth above 4ft meant that pedestrians were forced into the middle of the road. Dulverton and Porlock also had this problem.
· Currently cut to 4ft in height (and not 6ft as required) as the machinery employed did not have capability to go higher.
· The observation was made that hedge-banks in these parishes have possibly been overlooked in the maintenance programme. ACTION POINT – Can the affected parishes please report the defect via the online portal. If possible with a map clearly identifying the respective hedgerows. It was suggested that Parish Online may be able to assist with this? It would only need to be done once because once the data is gathered it would be added to the cyclical maintenance programme.
· SCC has a safety responsibility but is not in the business of maintaining privately owned verges and hedges.
Following on from the Highways warden meeting the points below were also raised with the Highways Team.
· Cutcombe Drains – (Jeremy Hickman) Outside Shearwells entrance. Advised that following works undertaken by sub-contractors the drains are now blocked with tarmac. ACTION POINT - Kevin Bridgwater will send a Highways team out to investigate.
· Exford Bridge – Flooding was being caused due to the main arch silting up. Need to be cleared. ACTION POINT – Report to SCC Bridges and Structures. (Andrew Turner reported. – Completed. Report from Paul Tucker, SCC Structures - This is a very tricky site and any works are ultimately governed by the Environment Agency. When this issue was last broached back in 2019, the EA would only allow very limited works, in so far as removing the weeds/vegetation growth from the silt banks/island with no lower of the silt bank/island itself. A further update will be provided once the outcome of the inspection is known.
· If road diversion signs are in place then the contractors should be working and the road should be closed. If contractors are not working then the road should be accessible.
· Venniford Cross A39 – Plans to reduce the speed limit are currently with the Road Safety Unit and are being worked through.
· White-lining on junctions are carried out to the schedule of the A and B road classification. If there are concerns about road safety then they should be reported via the portal.
8.30pm Andrew Turner / Kevin Bridgwater left the meeting.