Report back on the Highways Subgroup – draft minutes attached
3.1 Devolved Funding Update Andrew Turner
3.2 Highway Steward Update – Andrew Turner
3.3 Asset Information – Parish Online – Adrian Lee / Andrew Turner
Report back on the Highways Subgroup – draft minutes of the Exmoor Area Highways Subgroup meeting were circulated with the Agenda.
Andrew advised the Panel that SCC has employed Sam Murrell to take on the Brokerage Role. She would be a conduit between the parishes and SCC and would ensure that good relations were maintained, and support is provided to enable the parishes to access services. Sam was currently setting up the Parish Online roll-out, promoting devolved funding applications and communicating with the parishes about the LCN consultation.
· The devolved budget is 20K set aside for Revenue Works and 10K for Capital Projects. So far only one scheme has been submitted from Brompton Regis parish council for a nominal sum of money. Parishes were asked to submit their schemes as soon as possible.
· It was agreed that it was not clear how to submit a request and to whom.
ACTION POINT – Sam Murrell to reissue the guidance about devolved funding to parishes, together with the application form. In the first instance requests to be returned to Sam and then onto the Highways Subgroup Committee for determination. (Application form attached)
· Some of the parishes have been visited by Kate Brown in recent weeks and are awaiting a response on when recognised defects are going to be delivered? On receipt of this information, they will be better placed to submit a devolved funding request.
· The Service Request will be evaluated and costed by the Sub-group panel. This will formulate whether the scheme is put forward for consideration or not. This will ensure that all highway works meet the required quality standard and are delivered consistently.
· It was also pointed out that some of the works could be delivered jointly if parishes wanted to match fund on projects or deliver them using local contractors and thus price very competitively.
· The devolved budget is specifically for discretionary expenditure, and not items that have already been identified as SCC responsibility.
· Salt Bins – follow up as devolved funding request. (As Item 4)
3.2Highway Steward Update
So far, only eight parishes have employed the services of the Highways Steward; were very pleased with his work and had no issues with communicating with him. He was working well alongside some of their parish wardens and had even attended parish meetings by invitation.
The scope of the Highway Steward work has included:-
· Verge maintenance – grass cutting, hedge cutting, general amenity areas, etc.
· General service improvements – Additional grass cutting / strimming, sweeping, litter collection, weed removal, weed control, encroachment of vegetation over footways, removal of fly posting, street name plates cleaning and repair, fence repairs.
· Drainage maintenance - cleaning existing grips and outfalls, localised ditching, hand cleaning gullies/channels, rodding of pipes
· Signs (including reflector posts) - cleaning / painting and minor repairs.
It was stressed that those parishes that had yet to engage should make contact and utilise his services. Routine works should continue to be promoted through the web form shared previously. This way the team can keep tabs on programme, record keeping, and make sure his time is utilised in the most effective way possible.
Please click here to access the Exmoor LCN – Highway Steward Job Request.
General repairs such as potholes, road damage and other problems outside of your parish boundary should continue to be reported via the SCC online portal.
The team are also proposing to put together a feedback form so that the effectiveness of the service can be monitored. It should help keep the parishes and members informed of progress, so please keep a look out for that!
3.3Asset Information – Parish Online
As part of the LCN Pilot, SCC has arranged for the participating Exmoor parishes to subscribe for a trial period to Parish Online. In order to get signed up to the system please do the following: -
This will then send you details for how to log in.
There is online help available if parishes are having difficulties with the system, and a weekly zoom meeting to assist users. Please let Sam Murrell know if you want more information on this.
LCN Public Consultation
A public consultation on the
development of Local Community Networks (LCNs) has been
People are encouraged to have their say on plans to develop LCNs
across the county, to support decision-making at its most local
level. Opinions are being sought on a range of aspects, from LCN
roles and responsibilities, boundary options, to choosing a
suitable name.
Check out the interactive map, to see where your parish fits in relation to the three boundary proposals HERE.
The consultation on LCN boundaries went live on the 5 of September and will run for 6 weeks (17 October). In-person and online engagement events are taking place across the county.
· Friday 16 September – 10am-3pm, Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton.
· Monday 10 October – 10am-4pm, West Somerset House, Killick Way, Williton, Somerset, TA4 4QA
City, Town and Parish Conference – Tuesday 4 October 2022
The Local Community Network (LCN) Project Team are inviting Parish Clerks and Chairs to join them at the City, Town and Parish Conference on Tuesday 4 October at Westlands in Yeovil.
Information on how to register to attend has been emailed to parish and town clerks.
Supporting documents: