Report back on the Highways Subgroup – draft minutes attached
To adopt the recommendations as laid out in Point 6 to the Exmoor Area Panel
6.1 Andrew Turner to revise the Devolved Funding Paper to be more representative of the Exmoor parishes so that this can then be approved by the Exmoor Area Panel. This includes but is not limited to the Capital budget options listed in the table at Point 2.0.
6.2 Formally endorse the appointment of the Highway Steward role, including Terms of Reference and line management responsibilities.
6.3 Ensure that each parish within the Exmoor Area Panel has appointed a Highways Warden as a point of contact with the Highway Steward. Contact details for same to be provided as soon as possible, and forwarded to Kate Brown (SCC)
6.4 Endorse the adoption of Parish Online for the Exmoor Area Panel. This to be for a trial period of one year at a cost of £800 paid for by the Local Government Association.
6.1 Andrew Turner to revise the Devolved Funding Paper to be more representative of the Exmoor parishes so that this can then be approved by the Exmoor Area Panel. This includes but is not limited to the Capital budget options listed in the table at Point 2.0.
· The devolved budget is 20K set aside for Revenue Works and 10K for Capital Projects. The chart identifies what type of works fall under each category but allowing for the fact this is a Somerset wide chart, not specific to Exmoor. Some items may not necessarily be relevant to this pilot.
· Andrew Turner reminded the parishes that this was a learning process, and the benefits that were identified would be progressed across Somerset as a whole.
· All Capital and Revenue Schemes should be submitted as Service Requests using the form, and these would be passed to the Sub-group for assessment. The group would assess the need for the scheme, as well as identifying who would benefit as a whole. If match funding can by met by the parish, then this can be added to the budget.
· The Service Request will be evaluated and costed by the Sub-group panel. This will formulate whether the scheme is put forward for consideration or not. This will ensure that all highway works meet the required quality standard and are delivered consistently.
· It was also pointed out that some of the works could be delivered jointly if parishes wanted to match fund on projects or deliver them using local contractors and thus price very competitively.
· The parishes would be strongly encouraged to use local contractors to deliver the works cheaper, quicker and by using local supply chains and businesses support the Exmoor economy.
· The devolved budget is specifically for discretionary expenditure, and not items that have already been identified as SCC responsibility.
· It was asked whether SCC Highways maintained a “recognised supplier” list of contractors which could be made available to the parishes. Andrew Turner advised that SCC no longer did this, but the best course of action would be to seek reviews/references from peers on who was able to deliver on works. It was important that all insurances such as public liability, Health and Safety checks etc were up to date before awarding work contracts.
6.2Formally endorse the appointment of the Highway Steward role, including Terms of Reference and line management responsibilities.
· The Highways Steward, Richard Gay would formally start his appointment on 27th June after a period of annual leave. He will have access to his own vehicle and can be contacted directly via his mobile phone.
· SCC Contractor, Milestone is employing the Highway Steward. A comment made about fitting a dash cam to his vehicle will be passed back to them for consideration.
· The Highways Steward will undertake small tasks only and these can be relayed to him directly. It is important that if he considers a task is too large, feedback should be given on how the project can be delivered in an alternative way.
· Communication needs to be kept open and an important starting point would be to invite the Highways Steward to meet the parishes either at their own meeting, or a future Exmoor Area Panel meeting.
6.3Ensure that each parish within the Exmoor Area Panel has appointed a Highways Warden as a point of contact with the Highway Steward. Contact details for same to be provided as soon as possible and forwarded to Kate Brown (SCC)
· The Highways Warden will be direct liaison point with the Highways Steward.
· Some of the parishes have been visited by Kate Brown in recent weeks and are awaiting a response on when recognised defects are going to be delivered?
6.4Endorse the adoption of Parish Online for the Exmoor Area Panel. This to be for a trial period of one year at a cost of £800 paid for by the Local Government Association.
· Andrew Turner asked that those parishes who had already subscribed to Parish Online, contact him directly to discuss their options.
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