Agenda item

Regeneration of Firepool


Councillor Smith-Roberts introduced the circulated report which was considered the next key step to progress delivery of the Firepool site. The report set out a programme of activity to deliver the outline planning consent. The report outlined a little of the history of the site, some lessons learned and the steps undertaken in the past three months to identify the likely most deliverable form of development in a relatively short programme. Appendix 1 consisted of the indicative conceptual block plan for the site which both built on the outline planning approval and accorded with current planning policy. This was not a prescriptive solution but it was a work in progress. The site was to be divided into bite size blocks to assist greater flexibility and certainty of delivery. The intention was that the Council would act as the masterplan developer to deliver the public realm and infrastructure to remove the obvious barriers to progress the site and act as a catalyst to delivery.


During the discussion of this item, Members made comments and asked questions which included:-


·         It was commented that there was still a need for a Hotel in Taunton and this had been recognised for many years, and it was disappointing that the profits from this potential project would not now be going towards subsidising the Council’s services.

·         Commercial investment was a reality for many Councils in light of Central Government cuts and this needed to be recognised.

·         It was stated that Changing Place Toilets standard were needed to be developed rapidly across the district and this needed to be built into Firepool.

·         Concerns were raised over how the Council used commercial confidentiality.

·         The Leader responded that she wished the Council to be open and transparent to scrutiny.

·         Further questions and queries were raised on the viability of the Cinema Complex?

·         It was raised that the current plans lacked ambition in relation to this Council’s aspirations on Climate Change. There was scope to look at on-site regeneration including the use of the Weir to produce hydro-electric energy.

·         It was raised that an idea for a Botanic Garden on the site had been raised in this week’s Somerset County Gazette letters page.

·         It was responded that this was a high-level approach and the detail with regard to the block’s all of these considerations would be taken into account.

·         Councillors queried whether the Treasury Management advice had now been revised in light of the potential Hotel decision?

·         The implications of the investment return were not yet built into financial plans so there was no immediate change in terms of financial planning.

·         Councillors asked for an expected timescale of delivery?

·         It was responded that whatever was delivered had to be built with the long-term in mind. Many packages of work would need to be commenced, some of it delivered by the Council and some by others. Two major pieces of work to follow would be the working up of the Framework Masterplan and the update on the High Level Business Case. Many activity streams would be twin-tracked to enable an expedited delivery with a view to commencing as soon as possible.

·         It was raised that the Brewhouse Project needed to be worked with to ensure they were protected.

·         The Council would take into account the District’s broader cultural offer whenever making decisions and taking into account the views, for example through the Garden Town Cultural Forum.

·         Councillors queried whether the Social Value aspirations for the Firepool Site would be considered.

·         The Leader assured Councillors that this was embedded in any proposals brought forward.


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Hunt and seconded by Councillor Wren deleting the following words from Recommendation 4 “and instead to seek a development partner/investor to deliver this scheme as an alternative to the previously approved Council development, and on a different part of the site. A specialist property adviser will be appointed to undertake a thorough hard marketing exercise.” The amendment was put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that the Council approved the following recommendations:


1.    That the broad principle of the conceptual block plan design is progressed to Framework Masterplan and that indicative designs for all of the blocks are developed. In-particular Blocks 1, 2, and 5 be progressed to detailed business case and to provide authority to appoint a design team following due process.


2.    Endorsed the approach that the Council further considers the business case to act as the lead commercial and masterplan developer and to delegate authority to the Head of Commercial Investment in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to enter into relevant transactions. This will include hard market testing of Blocks 1, 2 and 5 to inform completion of business cases.


3.    Endorsed the principle that the Council may also be the developer of some of the plots each being considered on a case by case basis and subject to a detailed business case and further Council approval.


4.    Noted the review of the Hotel development project, to cease the current Council investment plans and cancel the existing budget approval.


5.    To commission a suitable performance venue expert to establish the business case and conduct soft market testing with suitable operators for such a facility on site.


6.    To report back with progress as and when required and set up a project governance Board to oversee the direction of the project.


7.    Approval of a total budget of £275,000 to progress these work streams and this to be funded from New Homes Bonus funds.



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