Agenda item

Somerset County Council Highways Report


There has been a change in personnel in the SCC Highways office. David Peake has been redeployed to work on procurement of the new SCC Highways contract and Kevin Bridgwater is the new SCC Highways manager. Weekly reports and highways updates will continue to be provided for circulation to parishes. (These have been featured in the SWT weekly newsletter since March 2020).


Parishes should use the online portal to report defects in the first instance. Emails or phone calls could be made in the event of an emergency.


8.1Exford Road Collapse

It was raised once again about how long the temporary traffic lights would be in situ and what was being done to alleviate the problem. The road was deteriorating all time and would get worse, compounding the problem and increasing the cost.


Andrew Turner responded that the collapse of the road was caused by a complicated structural problem and was not easy to fix. There were H&S implications due to the location and inaccessibility issues. The nature of the work was skilled beyond basic highway maintenance and would need bridges, structures and geotechnical engineering support to carry out the repairs.

SCC were also exploring options around re-routing the road itself and checking the legal status and land ownership implications. There was no timescale on how long this could take. Andrew Turner said he would keep the parishes updated on the situation as and when more information became available.


8.2Upton Road Closure

Unfortunately, this was a similar problem to the above which did not necessitate a quick fix. SCC have no choice but to close the road to protect the road-going public and ensure public safety. Andrew Turner agreed to keep Upton PC updated on progression of the works.


8.3 Large Tree toppled at Withypool

The tree had toppled over and was blocking the river by the bridge. The tree was resting against two of the bridge piers. Withypool PC was unsure who would be responsible between SCC and the rivers authority and had tried to report it on the SCC portal without much luck.


Advised to report it as a matter of urgency to the SCC Bridges and Structures Team. The tree could cause damage to the structure of the bridge and make it unsafe. Anything that affects the integrity of a highway’s asset should be reported to SCC as soon as possible.


8.4Dashcams to report defects

SCC Highways operatives do not have dashcams in their vehicles but are legally obliged to report faults and defects whilst out and about on the district.


Members of the public can also do this via the SCC Mobile portal. If it is safe and legal to do so, defects can be reported using a mobile device and uploaded straight to the SCC website. This will record the date and location of the fault and will keep the informant updated on progress.


The full range and how to report is available here


8.5Manholes at Chibbet Cross, Exford

The problem with water squirting up from the manholes is still ongoing. During the winter this freezes leading to dangerous ice forming on the highway. Cllr Mike Ellicott has been salting and gritting this himself, but the basic problem needs addressing. This fault lies in an Openreach conduit, but they now claim it is a SCC responsibility. Alyn Jones agreed to follow this up.