Alyn Jones from SCC provided an update on the Exmoor Area Panel Pilot LCN. The pilot is one of 4 being trialled in Somerset, but the only pilot to be dealing with SCC highways matters.
The other pilot schemes are:
· Wincanton On the theme of Health and Wellbeing
· Frome and District Focussing on Children, Youth and Families
· Bridgwater Assets / Service devolution
More information about the LCNs and how they are developing can be found on the One Somerset website. This is regularly updated as the various projects are progressed.
The following points were made from the floor during the discussion: -
5.1 Feedback on the Highways Steward Scheme
When the Parish Lengthsman Scheme was first implemented it was set up by the parishes, West Somerset District Council (WSDC) and the Somerset County Council (SCC) and all the organisations contributed and paid into it. Over time this has reduced to just the parishes contributing and the scheme is facilitated by Dulverton Town Council (DTC).
DTC employ a workman to undertake the duties of the Parish Lengthsman Scheme and have concerns that the appointment of a Highways Steward would conflict with this role. A clear division between the two employees is needed so that they have complementary jobs rather than duplicating work. It was agreed to have an offline conversation about this, and Cllr Pugsley suggested members of the Panel to represent the respective geographical areas. This was endorsed by the Panel. This sub-group will be co-ordinated by Andrew Turner SCC.
5.2Sub-group to review Highways Steward role / Parish Lengthsman Scheme
A panel has been established to work with Dulverton Town Council and strategize a clear way forward to progress the Highways Steward role alongside the existing Parish Lengthsman scheme. The panel to consist of the following: -
Andrew Turner (SCC) Co-ordinator
Cllr Stephen Pugsley (SWT)
Cllr Frances Nicholson (SCC)
Mike Ellicott
Andrew Bray (Vale rep) Wootton Courtenay PC
Roger Webber (Moor rep) Cutcombe PC
Christine Dubery / Margaret Rawle Dulverton Town Council
Sarah Buchanan (Brendon Hills rep)Brompton Regis PC
Emails and contact details have been circulated to Andrew Turner to co-ordinate the first meeting.
5.3 Communications
To improve communications between parishes and highways the following methods will be used: -
· The One Somerset website which contains updates on the LCN pilot projects across Somerset; Local Community Networks (newsomersetcouncil.org.uk).
· Using the Highway Steward who will be a direct contact point dealing with parishes and operatives face to face.
· Via the Exmoor Area Panel – As a standing agenda item reporting on budgets, performance and the programme of scheduled works.
5.4 Budgets / Performance / Programme of Works
It was agreed that the Panel would be consulted each quarter on the scheduled programme of works whilst making allowances for discretionary and reactive work that evolved. This would allow local knowledge to be applied to the works and for the LCN to influence the works according to its own priorities and method of working including diversions and road closures.
A discretionary budget would be made available. The LCN could use this to fund small scale works that they have identified with the Exmoor area. (It was emphasised that the amount was not yet known as this was a political decision to make in the budget setting process – not an officer one).
It would be an important part of the quarterly monitoring to check that the budgets and performance of the LCN were on target or identify areas for improvement.
It remained the statutory responsibility of SCC to maintain the roads to the standard of their national classification. (i.e. Inspections of A class roads – monthly, B class roads – three monthly, minor roads – yearly). Responding to defects and emergency work would continue.
5.5 Highway Assets / Devolution of Services
Provide parishes with better information about the services in their area and the lines of responsibility.
Also use local knowledge from the parishes on problem areas, such as where gullies block, drainage lines run, black ice forms on the roads etc
Supporting documents: