Agenda item

Regeneration of Firepool Report


During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

·         Councillors were excited about the project.

·         Concern was raised on the comment made that SWT sought a development partner or investor and was led to believe that SWT would then be working in partnership which they did not want.  Further concern was raised that the exchange would happen whilst the completion date was still being debated.  They highlighted that the advice given was clear to re-examine the option of a third party to take on some of the financial risk.

The Head of Commercial Investment confirmed that the hotel partner would be an investor.  That was the same as other land deals, some had a prescriptive approach and wanted flexibility.  He also confirmed that there was a completion date for the exchange.

·         Councillors were unaware of the capacity of the performance venue and queried whether figures from Cardiff and Bristol had been used which was not appropriate as they would be on a much larger scale than the Firepool venue.

Officers were working on the specification for what the capacity would be for the performance venue.

·         Councillors had been contacted by members of the public with concerns that another large supermarket was being placed on site and they wanted reassurance that it was a small ’express’ sized shop.

The Head of Commercial Investment confirmed that the supermarket would be an ‘express’ sized property.

·         Concern was raised that the hotel had now been placed in a specified location when they had been advised it could be changeable.

The hotel had been placed in block five as it sat nicely within that location.

·         Councillors wanted reassurance that the area would be well lit and made safe for all those that used the site.

Officers were working on the boulevard safety aspects.

·         Concern was raised on flooding in the area.

·         Councillors had visited other buildings which could offer a good starting point for the project and suggested that a conference facility should be built with a hotel attached.

The Head of Commercial Investment was happy to discuss any ideas with Councillors.

·         Councillors suggested avoiding the use of a single developer and that it was a good idea to keep SWT as the master planner.

·         Councillors highlighted the importance of tree planting throughout the development to help mitigate against climate change and help alleviate flood risk.

·         Councillors suggested that SWT should work with the Environment Agency to introduce a hydroelectric generation project along the weir.

·         Councillors highlighted that they did not want the Firepool Project to end up as any other typical development and wanted to ensure it was an ‘eco’ project that was community led.

The Head of Commercial Investment advised there were grants available for both tree planting and hydroelectric projects.

·         Councillors suggested that officers should use other projects for guidance on power generation.

Officers would approach the Environment Agency for guidance.

·         Councillors were interested in revenue generation.

The Head of Commercial Investment advised there were solid business cases for income generation.

·         Concern was raised on the visuals used in the presentation along with the block approach and Councillors wanted to be clear on the intentions of the site, they were not going against the proposals, but wanted to be clear on income generation and community need.

The Head of Commercial Investment understood that the brief was to deliver the master plan which was the outline planning consent.  That meant to bring forward the project in a way it would be attractive to market.  What had emerged was the wider purpose of the scheme which had been looked at with the intent for the development to take place there was a commercial imperative, therefore the best way to cross subsidise the cost was to include more residential units on the site.  The other uses of the site would then compliment the residential units.

·         Councillors welcomed the idea of the introduction of a Project Board.

·         Councillors wanted to ensure the hotel offered more than majority of the other hotels in the area.

Officers would look at the options available for the development of the hotel.

·         Councillors highlighted the increased use of the riverside frontage and concern on the lack of parking in the design.

Officers would check the information included.

·         Councillors queried how much CO2 would be produced in the construction of the site.

A written answer would be distributed.

·         Councillors queried how much capital would be invested and how much income would be generated for SWT from the project.

A written answer would be distributed.


Resolved for Scrutiny Committee to comment on the report and in particular the following recommendations that would be presented to Executive and Council for approval:

·         That the broad principle of the conceptual block plan design was progressed to Framework Masterplan and that indicative designs for all of the blocks were developed. In-particular Blocks 1, 2, and 5 be progressed to detailed business case and to provide authority to appoint a design team following due process.

·         To endorse the approach that the Council further considered the business case to act as the lead commercial and masterplan developer and to delegate authority to the Head of Commercial Investment in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to enter into relevant transactions. This would include hard market testing of Blocks 1, 2 and 5 to inform completion of business cases.

·         To endorse the principle that the Council might also be the developer of some of the plots each being considered on a case by case basis and subject to a detailed business case and further Council approval.

·         To note the review of the Hotel development project, to cease the current Council investment plans and instead to seek a development partner/investor to deliver this scheme as an alternative to the previously approved Council development, and on a different part of the site. A specialist property adviser would be appointed to undertake a thorough hard marketing exercise

·         To commission a suitable performance venue expert to establish the business case and conduct soft market testing with suitable operators for such a facility on site.

·         To report back with progress as and when required and set up a project governance Board to oversee the direction of the project.

·         Approval of a total budget of £275,000 to progress those work streams and that to be funded from New Homes Bonus funds.