This matter is the responsibility of the Executive Councillor for Housing, Councillor Francesca Smith.
During the discussion, the following points were raised:-
· Councillors thanked the officers for all their hard work on the project.
· Councillors supported the Compulsory Purchase Order to be used as a contingency.
Resolved that Full Council:-
2.1Resolved, subject to consideration of the matters set out in this Report, to make a Compulsory Purchase Order pursuant to powers under section 17 of the Housing Act 1985 and section 13 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and all other enabling powers as deemed necessary for the acquisition of the private properties in Phases B – D and any new rights for the purposes of securing both a quantitative and qualitative gain in housing by the delivery of the comprehensive redevelopment of the Woolaway properties on the land.
2.2Delegated authority of all matter relating to this CPO activity to the Director of Housing and Communities in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Section 151 Officer. Matters included:
2.2.1 To take all steps to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of the Compulsory Purchase Order (“Order”) including the publication and service of all notices and the promotion of the council’s case at any written representations procedure, public hearing or public inquiry.
2.2.2 To approve the draft Statement of Reasons for making the Compulsory Purchase Order as set out in Appendix 3 in consultation with the Solicitors acting for the Council.
2.2.3 To amend the Statement of Reasons referred to in paragraph 2.3.2 above as required in consultation with the Solicitors acting for the Council.
2.2.4 To make any amendments, deletions or additions to the land identified in this Report to be subject to the Order (“Order Land”) as to include and describe all interests in land and rights required to facilitate the carrying out of the redevelopment and regeneration of the Project and surrounding area;
2.2.5 To identify and acquire interests and new rights required to facilitate delivery of the redevelopment and regeneration of the Project and surrounding area either by agreement or compulsorily pursuant to the Order (including pursuant to any blight notices as appropriate) including conduct of negotiations and making provision for the payment of compensation;
2.2.6 To negotiate, agree terms and enter into agreements with interested parties including agreements for the withdrawal of blight notices and/or the withdrawal of objections to the Order and/or undertakings not to enforce the Order on specified terms, including where appropriate removing land or rights from the Order, making provision for the payment of compensation and/or relocation;
2.2.7 If the Order was confirmed by the Secretary of State, to advertise and give notice of confirmation and thereafter to take all steps to implement the Order including, executing General Vesting Declarations and/or to serve Notices to Treat and Notices of Entry in respect of the acquisition of interests in and rights over the Order Land;
2.2.8 To take all steps in relation to any legal proceedings relating to the Order including defending or settling claims referred to the Lands Tribunal and/or applications to the courts and any appeals; and
2.2.9 To retain and/or appoint external professional advisers and consultants to assist in facilitating the promotion, confirmation and implementation of the Order, the settlement of compensation and any other claims or disputes.
2.3Approved the service of a Final Demolition Notice and the demolition of the buildings and structures in Phase B and C(i) as shown in Appendix 2.
Supporting documents: