Agenda item

To consider reports from Executive Councillors

Part I – To deal with written questions to the Executive.

Part II – To receive reports from the following Members of the Executive:-

a) Councillor Federica Smith-Roberts – Leader of the Council

b) Councillor Derek Perry – Deputy Leader & Parks, Sports and Leisure

c) Councillor Christopher Booth – Community

d) Councillor Ross Henley – Corporate Resources

e) Councillor Marcus Kravis – Asset Management and Economic Development

f) Councillor Caroline Ellis – Culture

g) Councillor Dixie Darch – Climate Change

h) Councillor Mike Rigby – Planning and Transportation

i) Councillor Francesca Smith - Housing

j) Councillor Andy Sully – Environmental Services


An Executive Councillor shall submit a report to an Ordinary Meeting of the Council as to current and future business of their portfolio for the information of and comment from the Council. Such reports are for discussion and comment only and no motion shall be put to the meeting as to any such item other than those closure motions described in Standing Order 5.


The following points were raised on the Portfolio Holder Reports:-

·       Councillors queried how many defibrillators were located in the district and where they were stored.

·       Councillors requested an update from the Climate Change Implementation Board.

·       Councillors highlighted the success of the knitted sprout located in Wiveliscombe.

·       Concern was raised on the implementation of The Boulevard in Taunton and that it would impact on the businesses located along Station Road.

·       Councillors requested information on parking income.

·       Councillors requested an update on the Sandhill Estate.

·       Councillors requested an update on what was happening with the Phosphate Funding.

·       Concern was raised on the town centres and councillors suggested health checks were carried out.

·       Concern was raised on the five-year housing land supply and the risk that the targets for the Taunton area would not be met.

·       Councillors highlighted that electric buses could be introduced into Taunton area.

Supporting documents: