This matter is the responsibility of Executive Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management, Cllr Marcus Kravis.
This report provides an update on the establishment of SWT as an Innovation District as per a request by the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.
The Portfolio Holder for Asset Management and Economic Development introduced the report to the Committee. The following points were made by the Portfolio Holder during the introduction.
· A study was commissioned in July 2020 as a commitment of the economic development strategy which was approved by Full Council and undertaken under the delegated authority of the portfolio holder.
· Research has shown that jobs in the technological, innovation or research and development sectors created more jobs in the wider economy and that those jobs tended to be better paid. Companies in those sectors also tended to get more involved in sponsoring things such as education.
· Innovation did not necessarily need to be structured around universities.
· Having a technological or innovation company based on Exmoor or in our coastal communities would have a greater positive impact on the communities around it.
· It was suggested that innovation was vital for the long-term transformation of our area.
· Through consultation we aim to strengthen our relationships with universities around Somerset and other research organisations.
· Seven key points were identified for achieving innovation in the district: the innovation ecosystem, growth of talent for innovation and enterprise, support for information exchange, getting the right infrastructure, establishing leadership and stewardship through an advisory board, having a distinctive brand and creating an attractive and vibrant place to live.
· It was raised that it was important to encourage creative industries and digital industries.
· Our consultants EIBC concluded that there was no case for Somerset West and Taunton Council to promote or invest in a new science park but that there was a case for the creation of an innovation district. There were about twenty innovation districts currently but Somerset West and Taunton would be one of the first in a rural area.
· Following engagement with members, stakeholders and businesses the summary findings were published in March 2021. The findings were shared with members and the public.
· The next task of the Innovation Leadership Group would be to agree the areas of collaborative focus and address gaps in our innovation district support system. This would be concurrent with looking to create the proposed physical Innovation Centre.
During the debate the following comments and questions were raised:
· It was questioned whether there were strategic aims in place yet from the Innovation District for improving innovation and if so what the details of those aims were.
· It was raised that encouraging more young people to stay in or move to the area would be important in enabling innovation and development.
· Concerns were raised about poor broadband and digital infrastructure in the district hindering innovation and development.
· Setting up strategic partnerships was encouraged.
· The evidence and reasoning for not pursuing a science park in Somerset West and Taunton was questioned and discussed.
· Concerns were raised that the terms of reference for the study were not followed in the EIBC study, and it was questioned why this was the case.
· It was raised that in addition to the terms of reference there was also a scoping brief and a tender document.
· It was requested that the original terms of reference and the terms of reference used for the EIBC report be shared with the committee. Concerns were also raised about members having not been provided with the full report due to confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements. Officers informed the Committee that the release of the full report was not possible due to the confidentiality agreements originally made with businesses who participated in the study. However, the committee was informed by officers that a redacted version to would be issued to members.
· It was questioned why the report mentioned an additional employment space review being undertaken for West Somerset to identify more employment land for industrial but then elsewhere in the report it mentioned 54,000 square feet of potential land.
· Concerns were raised about infrastructure being insufficient and this hindering innovation and development.
· It was raised that the district had a Digital Innovation Centre being built at Firepool and that the district also had a diagnostic centre, the Rutherford Diagnostic Centre, which had recently opened.
· The planned ratio between manufacturing and service industries as part of innovation and development was questioned and it was asked how sustainable employment opportunities would be created.
· Concerns were raised about EICB’s suggestion that an Innovation Centre be built in Watchet given the poor transport links in West Somerset.
· It was questioned whether the aim was to create new employment or attract jobs from elsewhere into the area.
· It was discussed whether an innovation hub would be better than an innovation district.
· It was raised that many of the young people from the district who leave the area to go to university do not come back and that work needs to be done to make the district a desirable place for young people to return to after studying.
· It was questioned whether a different approach is needed in Somerset West and Taunton or whether instead lessons could be learned, and ideas taken from areas where innovation has been successful.
· Bids for grant funding where possible were encouraged.
· It was discussed about what is needed to attract talent and businesses to our area to encourage innovation. It was suggested that West Somerset is less attractive than Taunton to talent and businesses.
· It was raised that having an innovation hub in Taunton initially and then expanding innovation across the district afterwards may be better than immediately looking to establish an innovation district. It was suggested that businesses may be more attracted to Taunton than other parts of the district due to its proximity to the motorway.
· It was suggested that a feasibility study for an innovation hub in Taunton be undertaken.
A motion was moved by Cllr Coles and second by Cllr Wakefiled to recommend to the Executive that; A feasibility study is undertaken for the provision of an innovation hub based in Taunton and that the Council brings the results of such a study back through the democratic path when completed. The funding for this proposal is to be found within existing 2021/22 budgets where possible. Proposed by Councillor S Coles and seconded by Councillor S Wakefield.
During the debate on the motion the following comments and questions were raised:
· It was raised that it could be too early to conduct a further feasibility study as the results of the first study were yet to be fully considered.
· It was suggested that the motion was too prescriptive and that this may lead to barriers. It was suggested that it would be better for the committee to make comments to the Executive of the benefits of having an innovation hub in Taunton.
· Concerns were raised that a further feasibility study could cover some of the same areas as the work already in progress.
· Concerns were raised that a feasibility study for an innovation hub in Taunton would not look at the whole district and that an innovation hub in Taunton would not lead to innovation being developed across the district.
· It was questioned whether having an innovation district would be too nebulous an idea and therefore having an innovation hub from which innovation can spread out into the rest of the district would be beneficial.
· It was raised that an innovation hub could potentially be based at Nexus 25.
· It was raised that Taunton is well located within the Southwest to act as a centre for businesses and business meetings.
Corporate Scrutiny Committee Recommended to the Executive that; A feasibility study is undertaken for the provision of an innovation hub based in Taunton and that the Council brings the results of such a study back through the democratic path when completed. The funding for this proposal is to be found within existing 2021/22 budgets where possible. Proposed by Councillor S Coles and seconded by Councillor S Wakefield.
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