Chief Inspector Justin French (Avon and Somerset Police) the Local Policing Area Commander is scheduled to attend to present and answer any questions in relation to policing matters in the Somerset West and Taunton Area.
Chief Inspector Justin French (Avon and Somerset Police) the Local Policing Area Commander attended to present and answer any questions in relation to policing matters in the Somerset West and Taunton Area. He had been 18 months in post and gave an overview of his role. He outlined the areas that were being concentrated on at the current time, including County lines, murder suppression, protests, young people and anti-social behaviour and mental health. A new Police and Crime Commissioner had been elected and their priorities were being established alongside the recruitment of a new Chief Constable.
During the discussion the following points were raised: -
· A query was raised as to whether the Police would look to start using their ticketing powers to deter poorly parked vehicles, which blocked emergency service vehicles and refuse lorries from carrying out their work.
· The Local Authorities would take the lead on this but if an individual had a concern they could call it in and the attending Police Officer or PCSO could look to issue a ticket.
· A query was raised as to the expected timescale of an attending officer, and it was confirmed that it would depend on the priorities of the day as there was only a finite resource, but Councillors were urged to call it in as a starting point.
· Concerns were raised about the spike in rural anti-social behaviour, particularly during the periods of lockdown in the last eighteen months.
· It was confirmed that the evidence had shown there was a spike in this activity and the police had responded to the challenge. The area Commander had put more resources into the rural crime department as there was a recognition of the need to do more.
· In a discussion on the problems with anti-social behaviour and young people, the police had proven areas in the criminal justice system to address this e.g. Criminal Behaviour Orders.
· Concern was raised on crimes being committed by individuals below the age of responsibility, with specific reference to an area in Victoria ward.
· Comment was made that residents in the rural areas would still wish to see more of a police presence to offer reassurance. This was a recognised challenge and the Chief Inspector had instructed his officers to where possible walk or use bikes to be more visible.
· A concern was raised around the closure of Minehead Police Station and that if a youth picked up in Minehead for a crime and was taken to Bridgwater Police Station and to how they would then make their way home. Concern was also raised around the relocation of Williton Police Station and the need to make appointments.
· The Police had a concerted strategy to be cutting edge and encourage the use of 101/999 and online reporting as the traditional method was no longer viable, but it was understood this may not be the preferred methods for all.
· Reassurance was given over the Watchet Police office and that this was not going to be closed.
· Concern was raised over the budget cuts in recent years. Further information was requested on whether the PCC’s consulted with Local Authorities and agencies on their priorities and how to feed into this process.
· The Chief Inspector had met with the PCC and talked about his priorities.
· Concern was raised about the prevalence of knives and racing cars in one locality. In regard to the new local Traffic Regulation order changes in West Monkton, further information was sought as to how long the Police would wait before they started to enforce.
· A discussion was had on Community Speedwatch schemes.
· The use of Facebook as an engagement tool was commended.
· The use of mini police and cadets as part of school engagement was commended.
· Further information as to the regularity of callouts to the Canonsgrove site were discussed, and it was confirmed this was not a current issue of concern.
The Chief Inspector was thanked for his attendance and the Committee looked forward to further engagement with the Police in future.