Agenda item

Council Committees for 2019/2020 and their Terms of Reference

To decide which Committees to establish for the Municipal Year and to decide their size and terms of reference. To decide the numerical allocation of seats to political groups on Committees in accordance with the political balance rules and to make appointments to the Committees.


·         Scrutiny Committee

·         Audit, Governance and Standards Committee

·         Planning Committee

·         Licensing Committee

·         Employment Committee



Councillors considered the report to decide which Committees to establish for the Municipal Year and to decide their size and terms of reference. The numerical allocation of seats to political groups on Committees in accordance with the political balance rules had been calculated and they had made their proposed appointments to the Committees.

·         Scrutiny Committee

·         Audit, Governance and Standards Committee

·         Planning Committee

·         Licensing Committee

·         Employment Committee


During the discussion of this item, Members made comments and statements and asked questions which included:-

·         Councillor Lisgo raised a question as to whether the Scrutiny arrangements were appropriate and whether they would be looked at, as under the former Taunton Deane Borough Council there had been two Scrutiny Committees, and under the new administration’s desire to look at Climate Change in depth this could take up a lot of time in itself.

·         Councillor Mansell and Weston supported Councillor Lisgo’s comments but Councillor Weston also suggested a committee focused entirely on Climate Change and it’s cross-cutting impact.

·         Councillor Mansell referred back to his motion passed earlier in the year on the Climate Emergency Declaration which did make reference to a Working Group being set up which would need to be established.

·         The Monitoring Officer advised that the government had just released some new statutory guidance on Scrutiny which we would be planning to report back to Councillors on Scrutiny at the earliest opportunity.

·         The Leader, Councillor Smith-Roberts, sympathised with the Councillors concerns having chaired Scrutiny previously, the time it takes to properly debate issues. She would speak to the Leadership team and the Monitoring Officer to keep a track on this and see if it is working or not.

     RESOLVED that the nominations for Committee seats made by the political groups be ratified and that the composition of the Committees be as detailed below.

Scrutiny Committee = 15 seats




1.     Cllr Keith Wheatley (LD)

2.     Cllr Philip Stone (LD)

3.     Cllr Hazel Prior-Sankey (LD)

4.     Cllr Marcus Kravis (LD)

5.     Cllr Sue Lees (LD)

6.     Cllr Danny Wedderkopp (LD)

7.     Cllr Sue Buller (LD)

8.     Cllr John Hassall (LD)

9.     Cllr Gwilym Wren (I)

10.  Cllr David Mansell (I)

11.  Cllr John Hunt (I)

12.  Cllr Ian Aldridge (I)

13.  Cllr Nick Thwaites (C)

14.  Cllr Norman Cavill (C)

15.  Cllr Libby Lisgo (Lab)

Audit, Governance and Standards

Committee = 11 seats (plus 2

Independent people and 2 Town and

Parish Council representatives)

1.     Cllr Dixie Darch (LD)

2.     Cllr Sue Buller (LD)

3.     Cllr Sarah Wakefield (LD)

4.     Cllr Lee Baker (LD)

5.     Cllr Caroline Ellis (LD)

6.     Cllr Simon Coles (LD)

7.     Cllr Janet Lloyd (I)

8.     Cllr Hugh Davies (I)

9.     Cllr Terry Venner (I)

10.  Cllr Vivienne Stock-Williams (C)

11.  Cllr Steven Pugsley (C)

12.  Independent Person – Anne Elder

13.  Independent Person - Vacant

14.  Town & Parish Representative –

Bryn Wilson

15.  Town & Parish Representative –

Sally de Renzy-Martin


Planning Committee = 15 seats

1.     Cllr Simon Coles (LD)

2.     Cllr Marcia Hill (LD)

3.     Cllr Mark Lithgow (LD)

4.     Cllr Martin Hill (LD)

5.     Cllr Sue Buller (LD)

6.     Cllr Simon Nicholls (LD)

7.     Cllr Ray Tully (LD)

8.     Cllr Ed Firmin (LD)

9.     Cllr Gwilym Wren (I)

10.  Cllr Ian Aldridge (I)

11.  Cllr Jean Adkins (I)

12.  Cllr Janet Lloyd (I)

13.  Cllr Christopher Morgan (C)

14.  Cllr Roger Habgood (C)

15.  Cllr Brenda Weston (Lab)


Licensing Committee = 15 seats

1.     Cllr Martin Peters (LD)

2.     Cllr Ray Tully (LD)

3.     Cllr Marcus Kravis (LD)

4.     Cllr Sue Lees (LD)

5.     Cllr Caroline Ellis (LD)

6.     Cllr Sarah Wakefield (LD)

7.     Cllr Marcia Hill (LD)

8.     Cllr Kelly Durdan (I)

9.     Cllr Marcus Barr (I)

10.  Cllr Loretta Whetlor (I)

11.  Cllr Paul Bolton (I)

12.  Cllr Andrew Hadley (C)

13.  Cllr Catherine Herbert (C)

14.  Cllr Andy Milne (C)

15.  Cllr Libby Lisgo (Lab)


Employment Committee


1.    Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts (LD)

2.    Cllr Ross Henley (LD)

3.    Cllr Lee Baker (LD)

4.    Cllr Sue Buller (LD)

5.    Cllr Gwilym Wren (I)

6.    Cllr Craig Palmer (I)

7.    Cllr Anthony Trollope-Bellew (C)



Planning Substitutes: Cllr A Govier (LAB) Cllr J Hassall (LD) Cllr Caroline Ellis (LD) Cllr Sarah Wakefield (LD) Cllr Andy Pritchard (I) Cllr John Hunt (I) Cllr Loretta Whetlor (I) Cllr Craig Palmer (I) Cllr Dave Mansell (I) Cllr Andrew Hadley (C) Cllr Anthony Trollope-Bellew (C)


Independent Person: By law the Council is required to appoint an Independent Person to work with the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee on complaints about Councillors. Louise Somerville


Independent Members for Audit, Governance and Standards Committee: Anne Elder wishes to continue as an Independent Member of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee. There will be one vacancy – it is recommended that the Council advertise for this position Town and Parish Council reps for the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee:


The former Town and Parish Reps were contacted to see if they wanted to be on the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee and all responded positively. It is suggested that ‘first come, first served’ basis be applied and that Bryn Wilson and Sally de Renzy-Martin be appointed from the list below: 1. Bryn Wilson – Wiveliscombe Parish Council 2. Sally de Renzy-Martin – Watchet Parish Council 3. John Davis – Cutcombe Parish Council 4. Mike Marshall – Ruishton Parish Council 5. Penny Webber – Selworthy and Minehead Without Parish Council

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