Agenda item

Financial Monitoring - Outturn Position 2020/21

This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Corporate Resources, Councillor Ross Henley.


This report contains information related to Somerset West and Taunton Council’s (SWT) financial performance for the 2020/21 financial year.


During the discussion, the following point was raised: -

·       Councillors queried why the Leycroft Grove development had not been mentioned with the Housing Revenue Account report.

The Portfolio Holder for Housing confirmed it had not been forgotten and she would discuss this with officers and report back to the Executive with the information.


Resolved that the Executive: -

a)    Noted the impact of COVID on the Council’s cost and income during 2020/21 financial year.

b)    Noted the reported General Fund Revenue Budget underspend of £1.25m in 2020/21 and the General Reserves Balance of £7.915m as at 31 March 2021.

c)    Noted the S151 had approved General Fund Revenue Budget carry forwards totalling £1,139,360 as detailed in Appendix A.

d)    Approved an additional General Fund Revenue Budget carry forward of £939,940 for items greater than £150,000 as detailed in Section 8.

e)    Approved a supplementary budget of £806,000 for the 2021/22 General Fund Revenue budget funded from general reserves as detailed in Section 9.

f)      Noted the reported Housing Revenue Account Budget overspend of £15k in 2020/21 and the HRA General Reserves Balance of £2.8m as at 31 March 2021.

g)    Noted the Capital Outturn position.

h)    Approved the proposed carry forward of £41.6m approved budget to 2021/22 General Fund Capital Programme (as per Appendix C) and the £125.3m HRA Capital Programme for the MTFP period (as per Appendix E).

i)      Approved the retrospective inclusion of £3,789,053 Budget in the 2020/21 Capital Programme funded with matching grant income for the Watchet East Quay Development, as SWTC was the accountable body for the Coastal Communities Fund grant allocated to this scheme which commenced in previous years, noting there was no net cost to the Council.

j)      Noted the Capital Programme schedule identifying the schemes and overview profile providing the basis for future performance monitoring (as per Appendix E).

Supporting documents: