The report provided an update on the council’s performance for the 2020/21 financial year. The report includes information for a range of key performance indicators and also provides an update on progress against the council’s annual plan commitments for the year. This year, the council has also played a significant role in the response to the pandemic and this report includes a summary of the additional work undertaken. Finally, the report also includes the key business risks for the council.
As part of the Councils commitment to transparency and accountability the report provided an update on performance for a number of key indicators across a range of council services and also provides progress monitoring for the implementation of the Corporate Strategy, and the delivery of the commitments made in the 2020/21 Annual Plan. The past year has been exceptional and the pandemic has resulted in unprecedented circumstances. The council’s response to the pandemic has been significant, and this has been achieved in addition to the regular day-to-day responsibilities.
During the debate the following comments and questions were raised:-
· The numbers of complaints were questioned, it was considered if there had been an increase in complaints and issues experienced in the Licensing department and staffing issues. Performance in Licensing had improved and was back on track in the current year.
· Requirements for variations to licenses were considered and how this impacted the variations to the backlog. More information would be provided following the meeting.
· There had been a small increase in a number of complaints.
· Performance in the year overall had been impacted at the start of the year although it remained at 90% for complaint responses.
· Determination of Planning applications and delays around this were discussed. There were 93 cases held up as a result of phosphates. Delays in applications due to phosphates had been experienced which had impacted social housing applications which had adversely impacted communities.
· It was requested further dialogue was required with Natural England to improve the situation with applications which had been delayed.
· The national indicator was followed as an indicator which included extensions to planning permissions. Broader reasons for time extensions were being worked through with the Assistant Director.
· Length of time and time extensions in relation to Planning was requested as a true picture to resolve issues.
· The number of complaints responded to within 10 working days was considered and Communications of questions by phone and email.
· Complaints due to lack of response or information was requested to be tracked. It was acknowledged that responses were not always as timely received as could be due to pressures in certain departments.
· Officer resource had been targeted to address complaints along with addressing customer responses around waste collections. Missed waste collections had been a recent recognised issue.
· Progress in Watchet in relation to the Wall repair was commended along with the draft Local Plan.
· The Senior Management Team and Portfolio Holder were congratulated for all their hard work and progress.
The Corporate Scrutiny Committee noted the report
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