This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Planning and Transportation, Councillor Mike Rigby.
This report is split into two recommendations, which contribute to the same goals and objectives. The first details a plan to increase participation in active travel, reduce private car and public transport use whilst enabling social distancing in Taunton town centre, centred around new interventions on East Street. The second seeks authorisation for SWT Officers to work with the Highway Authority to make a permanent traffic regulation order on St James Street, following the successful 12-month trial closure which ended earlier this year.
During the discussion, the following points were raised:-
· Councillors thanked the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation and officers for their work on the scheme.
· Councillors queried whether the work on engaging and consulting with the disability groups would continue.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation advised he was in continuous talks with the disability groups to ensure the appropriate support was given.
· Councillors queried whether the timings for blue badge holders was flexible.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation advised that the timings would not be rigid, which would allow the blue badge holders to access all the shops they required.
· Councillors were pleased that the parking for blue badge holders would be flexible.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation highlighted that Somerset County Council would make additional disabled parking available in the surrounding streets to support the scheme in East Street.
· Councillors queried whether the additional spaces would be permanent.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation advised that it would run in line with the temporary closure of East Street.
· Councillors queried why the times of 8-10am were used for blue badge holders.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation advised that he did not want parking to encroach into the wider use of the space for pedestrianisation.
· Councillors queried whether the barrier put in place at East Street would be removed at the end of the temporary closure.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation advised that there would be a barrier and that he expected by the end of the temporary closure, the traffic layout would have changed. He further advised that traffic modelling would be carried out whilst East Street was closed.
· Concern was raised on how pedestrians would be made aware that East Street would be a shared space with many different users.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation explained that it would be a joint responsibility of all the different users, so motorists, cyclists and pedestrians would be safe whilst using East Street. There would also be additional safety signage put in place.
· Councillors were pleased to support the closure of East Street as it provided space for safe social distancing, especially during the Covid Pandemic.
· Councillors were please to support the closure of St James Street as it had supported the creation of the Independent Shopping Quarter which had proved a success.
· Councillors queried the timescale for the additional consultation.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation advised that it would not be a one off consultation but that it would be continuous during the closure to keep dialogue open with the different user groups.
· Councillors requested clarity on the terms of engagement.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation requested that officers discussed the terms direct with councillors.
· Councillors thanked the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation for his engagement with the disability groups.
· Concern was raised on the connections to active travel and that councillors did not want the inclusion of cyclists and other users to be at the detriment of those with mobility limits.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation understood the concern but wanted to open up the street to as many user groups as safely possible.
· Councillors queried where the cycle lanes would be located along East Street.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation stated that the cycle lanes would be subject to a road safety audit.
· Concern was raised on the increased traffic along The Crescent.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation stated that as part of the scheme, they would look into traffic displacement.
· Councillors queried what work would be done to improve the traffic lights/crossing near St James Street.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation advised that work would be carried out to align the crossing with the St James Street turning and the access to Goodland Gardens.
· Councillors were pleased to see the St James Street closure being made permanent, as it has had achieved a positive outcome and created camaraderie between the retailers in the area.
Resolved that the Executive approved:-
2.1Officers continued to work with Somerset County Council’s Highways team and representatives of disability interest groups on proposed modifications to vehicular access on East Street in Taunton to increase active travel and enable social distancing. Specifically, instructing them to:
2.1.1 Limit vehicular access and restrict traffic movement to one direction only (from the Fore Street junction, exiting onto East Reach/Silver Street)
2.1.2 Creating cycle lanes in both directions and offering additional cycle parking
2.1.3 Create additional Blue Badge parking on Magdalene Street, Billet Street and the Crescent Car Park
2.2The 12-month trial scheme for St James Street be made permanent.
Supporting documents: