This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor Federica Smith-Roberts, Leader of the Council.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council endorsement for the Stronger Somerset Final Proposal.
During the discussion, the following points were raised:-
· Councillors queried the proposed consultation taking place in 2021 and how it would be carried out.
The Leader advised that no details had been given on the consultation process but as soon as they were received, she would distribute them to all Councillors. She mentioned that it would most likely take place in Spring 2021.
· Concern was raised that Government may not accept either proposal (One Somerset or Stronger Somerset) for a unitary authority.
The Leader advised that the Councillors and Officers had worked to the set criteria for the proposal so hoped it would be accepted but that the decision fell with Government.
· Concern was raised that Somerset County Council (SCC) were keen to postpone their elections and Councillors further queried how the elections would run for SCC, Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT) and the new Shadow Council.
The Leader advised that the decisions on the elections were down to Government to make. Further clarification would be given on the election process.
· Concern was raised on the Parish Councils taking on extra work as part of the proposal. Councillors requested that SWT encouraged the community to assist their local Parish Councils.
· Concern was raised on services being pushed back to Parish Councils and that the residents would be ‘double taxed’ and subject to a postcode lottery for which services would be provided in their area.
The Leader wanted to work closely with the Parish Councils to ensure they took on the services that best suited their community.
· Councillors highlighted that SWT had a responsibility to submit a proposal, which gave Government other options than the One Somerset proposal.
· Councillors agreed that the recommendations were clear but that there was still more work to be done. They highlighted that the District Councils might not know much about the work carried out by SCC, but that SCC did not know much about the work carried out by the District Councils either.
· Many Councillors supported the unitary ways of working but advised that it needed to be implemented in the correct way.
· Councillors agreed that the timing was appalling due to the Covid Pandemic and that SWT had only been established in April 2019.
The Leader agreed that the timing was bad, but that SWT had shown what could be achieved in such a short space of time.
· Many Councillors agreed that the Stronger Somerset was the better proposal for the community of SWT.
· Councillors were keen to support the positive work achieved by Adult Social Care and Public Health at SCC.
The Leader agreed and wanted public involvement in shaping those services.
· Concern was raised that neither proposals took heed of developing Taunton as the County Town. Further concern was raised that the community network seemed to cut Taunton into two.
The Leader disagreed and highlighted that the proposal would aid vulnerable residents and include Taunton and the wider community which would benefit the County Town.
· Councillors urged the Shadow Council to include a democratic form of governance in a committee structure which would involve all Councillors.
The Leader advised that it would be for the Shadow Council to decide what structure was used for their governance.
· Councillors highlighted the importance of Child Services and that it was vital that they were under democratic control.
The Leader advised that Child Services would fall under the unitary authority as it was a statutory role to deliver those services and she wanted to ensure that those services were robust.
· Councillors suggested that a two tier system would be better for customers as they would know who to contact for services.
· Councillors were pleased that politics had not been included in the Business Case and that it was about what was best for the community.
The Leader agreed and advised that the proposal had been formed by councils that were led by different political groups, so had worked together to do what was best for the community.
· Councillors queried whether SWT would lobby Government for funds to support the establishment of a unitary authority.
The Leader advised that the District Councils would consider that option.
· Councillors thanked the officers for their hard work on the Business Case.
Resolved that Full Council:-
1) Endorsed the Stronger Somerset proposal for the reform of local government including the creation of two unitary Councils within Somerset;
2) Noted that the decision to submit the final proposal to MHCLG was a “Key Decision” pursuant to the relevant legislation and therefore required an executive decision to be made before final submission. It was proposed that following Full Council’s endorsement of the proposal, the Leader of the Council would make the executive decision to submit the Stronger Somerset Proposal to the Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government and would make any required minor amendments to the Proposal as necessary before submission in consultation with the Chief Executive and other Somerset District Leaders and Chief Executives;
3) Supported the continuing consultation with key partners, neighbouring authorities, business, staff, unions and local stakeholders, above and beyond any programme of consultation that might be required by the Government in due course;
4) Agreed to this Council, with the other Somerset councils, advancing the delivery of aspects of the proposals for reform ahead of the Secretary of State’s approval where so doing would support the Stronger Somerset Proposal and lead to early delivery of efficiencies, community outcomes and greater collaboration & integration;
5) Paid due regard to the Equalities Impact Assessment, attached as Appendix B, in considering the proposal for a Stronger Somerset; and
6) Noted that, in the best interests of the communities and residents of Somerset West and Taunton, the Council would continue to work with colleagues across all tiers of local government and public service in Somerset.
(The Meeting ended at 7.50 pm)
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