This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Environmental Services, Councillor Sarah Wakefield.
This proposal follows on from the previously approved request that Somerset West and Taunton Council use their status as the Coastal Protection Authority to deliver a scheme on behalf of Somerset County Council.
During the discussion, the following points were raised:-
· Councillors were keen to see the work completed to preserve the B3191 for the local residents and businesses who relied upon that part of the road network.
· Councillors were glad that the Council was working with the Environment Agency (EA) to complete the work.
· Councillors requested clarification on the costings stated in the recommendations.
· Councillors queried whether the work within the report was for the Blue Anchor end of the road only.
The Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services advised that was correct.
· Councillors queried whether once the authority was given to the Director of External Operations, whether approval for future phases of the project would come back to Full Council.
The Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services advised that as it was a delegated authority, it would not come back to Full Council.
· Councillors requested assurance that if Somerset County Council (SCC) and the EA withdrew from the scheme that Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT) would not be left with the cost.
The Assistant Director for Climate Change and Assets advised that SWT would lead on the work as the Coastal Protection Authority and that SCC would become funders. Officers would have discussions with the contractors to ensure any cost overspend would be minimised. If costs did overrun, then SWT could approach the SCC and EA for further funding but that it was not guaranteed.
· Councillors thanked the officers for their work on the scheme.
· Councillors queried what the timescale was for the scheme.
The Assistant Director for Climate Change and Assets advised that 2021 would be used to set out the timeline for the scheme. Officers would need to apply for planning permission and he expected that the physical building works would start in 2022.
· Councillors requested clarification on the figures within the funding table on page 12.
· Councillors highlighted that when the new unitary authority was established, then the work would be transferred across to the new council.
· Councillors were pleased to see the improvement works coming forward for the B3191 as they had seen several schemes being carried out on the A358 and A39 and highlighted that the B3191 was also used as a major route through that part of the district.
Resolved that Full Council supported the following:-
1) That Somerset West and Taunton Council agreed in principle to accept responsibility and ownership for the coastal protection structure together with a commuted sum to cover estimated maintenance over the estimated lifecycle of the asset, provided that the new infrastructure was funded entirely by the Highways Authority, Environment Agency and or other external contributors;
2) Gave authority for the Director for External Operations and Climate Change and/or Assistant Director, Climate Change and Assets, in consultation with the Lead Member for Environment, the authority to negotiate the final funding agreement;
3) The approval of a Supplementary Capital Budget of £3,550,000 for the delivery of the long-term coast protection capital works, funded entirely by expected contributions from Somerset County Council and the Environment Agency;
4) Endorsed an increase in the annual maintenance budget for coastal protection assets was included on the Medium Term Financial Plan, funded by the commuted sum to be received from Somerset County Council, upon completion of the works. The actual budget increases for expenditure and income would offset, with amount to be determined and approved by the budget holder in line with Financial Procedure Rules; and
5) Approved a Supplementary Capital Budget of £385,000 for the emergency works necessary for Blue Anchor, to be funded by the approved grant from the Environment Agency.
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