Agenda item

Interim Policy Statement on planning for the Climate Emergency - Draft for public consultation

This matter is the responsibility of Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation Councillor Mike Rigby.


The report concerns the Interim Policy Statement entitled Climate Positive Planning, which has been drafted for public consultation.


The report was introduced by the Executive Councillor Peter Pilkington Portfolio Holder for Climate Change.


During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

·        It was questioned what involvement the Planning Dept has had in the development of the draft Statement, and how they will be involved as it progresses. – The Strategy Specialist had attended a Development Management team meeting to present and discuss the Statement as well as conducted internal consultation with various officers. As the final Statement neared the point of approval, the intention was to hold training sessions with Development Management officers and the Planning Committee to help with understanding of its role and what tools planning has available to it.

·         Government Planning Reforms were raised, with some concern over the timing of this document meaning that it would quickly become obsolete. Some considered that a document like this would be of great value in presenting the Council’s requirements within any new “growth” areas as proposed by the Planning White Paper. – However, the Planning Reforms were only proposals at present, and there was no guarantee of exactly what they would look like in the end or when they would be enacted. The Statement could easily be reviewed at such point, but it was felt not sensible to wait for the reforms.

·         It was noted that it was good to see the document include reference to the recent Ecological Emergency declaration. However, it was suggested that there could be an additional question in the IPS1 checklist relating to this. – Officers would consider this point.

·         It was noted that the document stated that developments in West Somerset would be encouraged to comply with policy DM5 of the Taunton Deane Core Strategy, but it was felt that this was not clearly and obviously referenced in the document and could be missed. – Officers were happy to look at how reference to this could be bolstered, though reiterated that it could only be encouraged in the context of adopted policy NH13 of the West Somerset Local Plan.

·         There were concerns raised around accessibility of consultation if it were online only. – Officers would consider how this could be enhanced whilst recognising the difficulties presented by the current lockdown circumstances.

·         A number of specific suggestions and questions were raised including in relation to trees on new developments, natural regeneration, public rights of way and links to health and wellbeing. Councillors with specific suggestions of changes to wording in the document were encouraged to contact the Portfolio Holder and Report Author outside of the meeting in advance of the Executive Committee meeting. Following Scrutiny Committee, a few Councillors forwarded comments on the draft Statement and officers considered these in drafting the updated version appended for Executive Committee.

·         There were some concerns raised over the formatting of the document including the lack of paragraph numbers, font and the need for an index. – Officers agreed to explore ways to improve the legibility and navigation of the document.

·         A concern was raised about Solar PV farms and the impact they can have on landscapes and particularly taking high quality agricultural land out of agricultural use. – Existing policies do allow for solar farm developments where criteria are met and the Statement refers to this in the context of wider renewable and low carbon energy generation. No reference is made to agricultural land specifically in relation to solar farms in the Statement, but this issue is covered by national policy.

·         More clarity was requested on the purpose and status of the document. – Officers would improve the clarity on this issue in the document. The Statement is explanatory guidance to support existing adopted planning policies. It was clarified that the Statement itself would not be referenced in planning decisions, but would guide consideration against the policies themselves, which it provides additional explanation and guidance for. It is the policies themselves which have “teeth”.

·         It was asked how the Statement would be communicated to developers. – An agent’s forum is planned to be arranged during the consultation. It will be important to sell the benefits of policy compliance.


The Scrutiny Committee RECOMMENDED:


1.    That the Executive approve the Draft Interim Policy Statement on planning for the Climate Emergency for public consultation.


2.    That the Executive approve responsibility for any minor textual and visual changes and enhancements prior to publication for consultation be delegated to the Director for Development and Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation.




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