This report is the responsibility of Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing, Cllr Fran Smith.
This report seeks to propose an approach to identify future requirements for single homeless and rough sleeper accommodation in SWT and to evaluate and bring back recommendations on the best options to deliver against this need.
The report was introduced by the Executive Councillor Francesca Smith, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Simon Lewis (Assistant Director - Housing and Communities).
During the discussion, the following points were raised:-
· The use of the former Bus Station was raised as a possible option and homeless people were still a visible presence in the town centre. Officers clarified that the Station would be difficult to convert into accommodation, and that as part of the ‘Everyone In’ campaign some people had rejected the offer, and some people had unfortunately had had to be evicted from Canonsgrove due to breaking house rules.
· It was appreciated the use of Canonsgrove was one that had to be taken in extraordinary circumstances.
· The feedback from the residents was concerning, and engagement with the residents needed to be addressed.
· Further clarity was sought on the activity package in place and the funding available from Government to support this. Officers had clarified this was now enhanced and further details were shared on this. Unfortunately the age profile of YMCA volunteers meant that in the early stages Covid had had an impact.
· An update on the extension of leases was requested, and whether the County Council/District Council would be the lead commissioner going forward. Officers clarified that SWT had a statutory duty around accommodation and SCC had a duty around care and support so there was a Memorandum of Understanding between the two authorities.
· An emphasis on strong communications with the community and parish council was important (Trull and Comeytrowe both being mentioned)
· Strong partnership working with the YMCA and police was important and should continue.
· It was strongly felt the options appraisal should consider all options and sites and reach an objective and fair conclusion based on evidence.
· Dealing with incidents and antisocial behaviour was important.
· Officers commented that interventions by SWT, YMCA Dulverton Group and Police working together had reduced the incidents and concerns to a minimal level in recent weeks.
· The town centre should be considered and had advantages, although there was also discussion on the benefits of more rural / semi-rural locations.
· Discussion was had on seeking further engagement with all communities’ at all potential sites.
· Officers highlighted that pragmatically this would be difficult due to in some cases commercial confidentiality and that the purpose of the options appraisal was to objectively appraise which sites would best meet the council’s strategic homeless accommodation and support requirements for the whole district, whereas local communities would be more focussed on their immediate neighbourhood impact.
The Scrutiny Committee RECOMMENDED:
1. That the Scrutiny Committee noted the proposed steps and timeline outlined in 4.16 including the resource requirements to undertake the options appraisal proposed to bring back a recommended solution.
2. The Scrutiny Committee expected the Executive to take full regard of the comments and concerns raised at Scrutiny and to take these into account when making a full decision on this matter. In particular, any options appraisal must be open, transparent and a forward looking review of all potential sites. Any appraisals involving Canonsgrove should be communicated with both Trull and Comeytrowe Parish Councils as well as local residents.
Supporting documents: