Agenda item

Coastal Protection Works Associated with the B3191

This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Environment, Councillor Sarah Wakefield.


This proposal follows on from the previously approved request that Somerset West and Taunton Council use their status as the Coastal Protection Authority to deliver a scheme on behalf of Somerset County Council.


The report was introduced by the Executive Councillor Sarah Wakefield, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services.


During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

·       As a Coastal Protection Authority, SWT was expected to bring forward protection schemes for areas designated under the Shoreline Management Plan as ‘Hold the Line’, which this area is entirely.

·       The Scrutiny Committee were unable to support the recommendations and instead provided their own statement, which was read to the Committee;

·        “Whilst the committee wished to support moves to protect the coastline and coastal communities, the Committee expressed significant concern about the potential for responsibility and long term liability and recommend Executive and Full Council fully understand and request details on the long term liabilities going forward to ensure a full understanding of the longevity of the scheme and mitigate long term liability and risk.”

·       In response, Officers clarified that the Council would appoint the designers and contractors as part of the scheme. The designers would help the Council understand the longevity of the scheme. The proposal would be based on an options appraisal and the professional design would provide the answers. The offer on the table was the subject of lengthy negotiations and was considered the best available.

·       It was commented that this was a power of the Council and the funding County Council provided.

·       The allusion from the Scrutiny comments of this being a bad deal were felt to be unfounded, considering the lengthy negotiations that had taken place and that this was the best deal available.

·       It was commented that the existing structure had been there since 1920 and the Environment Agency immediately declared it an emergency and allocated funds to be used.

·       This road was a strategic road and the economic impacts of not approving this scheme would potentially be disastrous.

·       It was considered that it was the Council’s duty to take on liabilities for the benefit of the people of the area.

·       In relation to queries relating to use of private land it was confirmed that there will be a need to use private land and early conversations were being had with the owners who were supportive of the scheme.

·       The Chair of Scrutiny sought reassurance over the affordability of it in the long-term, with expectations of liability over the next thirty and forty years. The commuted sum was hoped to be calculated correctly to cover the annual maintenance repair cost.

·       The Portfolio Holder amended the wording in her recommendation to insert the word ‘entirely’ into recommendations 1 and 3.

·       It was stated that the Council would make it clear in the agreement that SWT was not taking on liability for the B3191 road and the Council would, if the eventual commuted sum is not sufficient over a period of time, seek to return to Somerset County Council, or the relevant authority at that time, to understand their proposals for the road.



RESOLVED that Executive supported the following to Full Council:


1.     That Somerset West and Taunton Council agree in principle to accept responsibility and ownership for the coastal protection structure together with a commuted sum to cover estimated maintenance over the estimated lifecycle of the asset, provided that the new infrastructure is funded entirely by the Highways Authority, Environment Agency and or other external contributors.

2.     Give authority for the Director for External Operations and Climate Change and/or Assistant Director, Climate Change and Assets, in consultation with the Lead Member for Environment, the authority to negotiate the final funding agreement.

3.     That Executive recommends to Full Council the approval of a Supplementary Capital Budget of £3,550,000 for the delivery of the long-term coast protection capital works, funded entirely by expected contributions from Somerset County Council and the Environment Agency.

4.     That Executive endorses to Full Council an increase in the annual maintenance budget for coastal protection assets is included on the Medium Term Financial Plan, funded by the commuted sum to be received from Somerset County Council, upon completion of the works. The actual budget increases for expenditure and income will offset, with amount to be determined and approved by the budget holder in line with Financial Procedure Rules.

5.     That Executive recommends to Full Council the approval of a Supplementary Capital Budget of £385,000 for the emergency works necessary at Blue Anchor, to be funded by the approved grant from the Environment Agency.




Supporting documents: