Agenda item

To consider reports from Executive Councillors

Part I – To deal with written questions to the Executive.

Part II – To receive reports from the following Members of the Executive:-

a) Councillor Federica Smith-Roberts – Leader of the Council

b) Councillor Benet Allen – Deputy Leader & Communications and Culture

c) Councillor Christopher Booth – Community

d) Councillor Ross Henley – Corporate Resources

e) Councillor Marcus Kravis – Asset Management and Economic Development

f) Councillor Richard Lees – Sports, Parks and Leisure

g) Councillor Peter Pilkington – Climate Change

h) Councillor Mike Rigby – Planning and Transportation

i) Councillor Francesca Smith - Housing

j) Councillor Sarah Wakefield – Environmental Services


An Executive Councillor shall submit a report to an Ordinary Meeting of the Council as to current and future business of their portfolio for the information of and comment from the Council. Such reports are for discussion and comment only and no motion shall be put to the meeting as to any such item other than those closure motions described in Standing Order 5.


During the discussion, the following points were raised:-


·       Executive Councillors were requested to limit the use of acronyms in their reports without first using the full term.

·       A further specific update was requested into the repairs notice served at Tonedale Mill and it was confirmed a written answer could be provided.

·       Further clarity was sought on how the s106 funding linked into the Unparished Area of Taunton.

·       Further clarity was sought on the Taunton Cultural Forum and its membership and when a renewed Cultural Strategy could be expected.

·       The Leader stated that the Stronger Somerset team were using a variety of communication channels and welcomed feedback on this.

·       The Leader confirmed that the Council continued to work to the timescales in relation to Stronger Somerset despite not yet receiving a letter from government.

·       It was confirmed that Planning training for Parish Councils had not yet taken place, with a priority on training for the Committee first.

·       Concern was raised by a Councillor over the communications of key strategic plans for the Council, and the Leader invited those concerns to be shared with her afterward.

·       Concern was raised over the provision of radios in Taunton, with it being reported as being out of action by businesses for several months.

·       A written answer would be provided on the number of residents who had been living in the former Woolaway properties that had been re-housed in the Pyrland Fields development.

Supporting documents: