Agenda item


Application for approval of reserved matters following Outline Application 42/14/0069 for the appearance, landscape, layout and scale for the erection of 70 No. dwellings, hard and soft landscaping, car parking including garages, internal access roads, footpaths and circulation areas, public open space and drainage with associated infrastructure and engineering works (Phase 1a Parcel H1b) on land at Comeytrowe/Trull


Application for approval of reserved matters following Outline Application 42/14/0069 for the appearance, landscape, layout and scale for the erection of 70 No. dwellings, hard and soft landscaping, car parking including garages, internal access roads, footpaths and circulation areas, public open space and drainage with associated infrastructure and engineering works (Phase 1a Parcel H1b) on land at Comeytrowe/Trull


Comments from Members of the public included:


·       These are mean, scraping the barrel houses;

·       Homes do not meet the National Design Guidance Charter or the principles of Garden Town;

·       Homes were not Carbon neutral;

·       Lack of electric charging points;

·       Concerns with the appearance, layout, Eco features and Garages;

·       Lack of tenure and accommodation for all ages;

·       Parking issues will create difficulties for emergency vehicles;

·       Concerns with the lack of renewable energy planning on the site;

·       Concerns that the houses would not be in keeping with the existing area;

·       Future proofing was needed on the site;

·       Mature trees and hedges needed to be incorporated into the proposal;

·       Affordable Housing should be distributed across the site and not grouped together;

·       Concerns that the external space was inadequate;

·       The SUDS scheme was not currently acceptable;

·       Concerns with the lack of detailed information on the disposal of both surface and foul water on the site;

·       Concerns that the pumping station was not mentioned in the original application;

·       Concerns with the impact on the local community in terms of flood risk;

·       Concerns that the planning application was not compliant with several Neighbourhood Plan Policies;

·       The applicants have committed to working in partnership with the Local Authority to help deliver this important site and will deliver the new and affordable homes that Taunton needs;

·       Huge amounts of public consultation has taken place with the local people, businesses, schools, stakeholders, officers and Central Government to help prepare a masterplan for the site;



Comments made by Members included:


·       This was a difficult site to develop as it is in a valley;

·       Would like to see some stone faced houses as the scheme is pretty dull;

·       Concerns that the Parish Council were not brought on board;

·       Neighbourhood concerns need to be taken into consideration;

·       Concerns with the removal of the hedgerows without consultation;

·       Concerns that the entrance from the A38 was not in this plot;

·       Concerns with the accessibility of the homes for people with limited mobility;

·       Concerns that the pocket park was a distance from the affordable housing placement;

·       Concerns that the size of the affordable houses were to small and not pepper potted around the site;

·       The Place maker comments was not given enough weight;

·       No Climate Policy in this development;

·       Material issues need to be considered very carefully;

·       The homes were not unique to Taunton;

·       Concerns with the density of the site;

·       Developers need to keep up with viability issues;

·       This was not a sustainable development;

·       Putting trees around an estate does not make it a Garden Town;

·       Footpaths need to be divided to make it safe for both pedestrians and cyclists;

·       Concerns with the courtyard parking proposed on the site;

·       Concerns with the proposal for rendering on the properties;


At this point in the meeting a half hour extension was proposed.


·       The design did not incorporate Zero Carbon homes;

·       This scheme needs to be an exemplary site;


At this point in the meeting a further half hour extension was proposed.


Councillor Buller proposed and Councillor Lithgow seconded a motion for the application to be Deferred.


This motion was lost.


Councillor Habgood proposed and Councillor Coles seconded a motion for Reserved Matters to be Approved as per Officer Recommendation.


The Motion was carried


Members took a 10 minute break after this application







Supporting documents: