Agenda item

Public Participation - To receive only in relation to the business for which the Extraordinary Meeting has been called any questions, statements or petitions from the public in accordance with Council Procedure Rules 14,15 and 16

The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.


For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker and you will be asked to speak before Councillors debate the issue.


A.    Ms Bryony Chetwode (Company Secretary – TravelWatch SouthWest ) had submitted the following statement in relation to Item 9 – Taunton Bus Station;


In response to negotiations for the sale of Taunton Bus Station with the Council as potential purchasers, we would like Councillors to ensure any course of action will enable two key outcomes for passengers:


  1. Provision of adequate and convenient facilities in town.  “Adequate” should be taken to include W.C.s, refreshment, information and shelter.  This is especially important for those with accessibility issues, and in encouraging greater public transport use as necessary to tackle environmental issues.
  2. Solutions which bear in mind the need for adequate interchange, capable of absorbing the required network growth and potential to increase bus and railway connections.  This must be accessible, appropriate, and weatherproof at the station.

The Community must be engaged around future bus interchange provision

We hope you will engage with TravelWatch SouthWest by working collaboratively to find the optimum solution for the community, not missing this opportunity to support the growth plan, sustainable transport use, and flow of human resources across the Somerset. TWSW is used to working with Local Government, National Government, Operators and Community Groups, Passengers, and NGO’s, which has given us understanding of triggers for use and avoidance of public transport services.


Taunton community needs reassurance that there will be a good Interchange at all times. The facility provided by the bus station is an asset to passengers and the town, although improvements would be welcomed.  If an alternative plan is developed there must not be reduced facility for the community Taunton serves in the short, medium, or long term. An alternative plan should enhance the passenger experience and be considered as an opportunity to improve the cost, reliability, quality, interchange, and perceived safety of public transport use.


Beyond the immediate Building

The Bus Interchange is important as an appropriate scheme could us station could provide an opportunity to address the community concerns:

  1. Ageing Population:  Good, straightforward, bus connections enable vulnerable people to be delivered from isolation and access services and retain independence without the expense of Council funded transport.
  2. Declining High Street; Public transport can deliver people in close proximity of businesses and in (with less congestion and bus priority) better time. As we move to a more leisure-based society public transport enables the pubs and restaurant to receive business without risking lives as a consequence of drink driving.
  3. Social inclusion: The Social Mobility Index shows that the connecting rural communities Taunton serves are as challenged as those in the North of England.  Bettering the connectivity is crucial to improving opportunity and retaining our young talent.
  4. Accessibility:  A good interchange enables access to services and other routes. This is essential for the aging population, vulnerable, child burdened, luggage laden, and weather shy.  In a town with an aging population, tourists, County hospital connections, a plan for growth and inclusion, and South Westerly weather, this is logical.
  5. Air Quality and Climate Change:  The costs of these are both local and global.  The benefits of a switch from car to public transport are well documented.  Tackling congestion, providing alternatives to cars, and sustainable interchanges form part of a good bus interchange plan and would help the Council meet the Climate Emergency objectives.

Time for a Step Change in Taunton

We would be very pleased if the Council could work with the TWSW and the community when addressing the issues above as it is our aiming to bring a better experience for passengers. 


It may even be possible to tie in with future government funding initiatives, whether attached to bus companies buying into sustainability, digitalisation or High Street regeneration.


We need this project to deliver a step change for Users. 


B.    Mr David Redgewell (Vice Chair – Severnside Rail Future ) had submitted the following statement in relation to Item 9 – Taunton Bus Station;

From a passenger perspective and an organisation which considers Taunton to be a major transport interchange of the SouthWest, whilst we welcome the new bus rail interchange Taunton Station, we are acutely aware that the design of the interchange being built by Network Rail and First Group only involves 5 bus bays.  Therefore, we would be extremely concerned if the Council thought that by shutting Tower Street Bus station that these facilities could be replaced at Taunton Railway Station, without considerable amounts of work and investment in building.  We therefore think it is essential that we retain the bus station for its regional connectivity (Wellington, Tiverton, Axminster, Wells and Burnham and Bridgewater), as well as being a major hub for national express.

Whilst we wouldn’t be against the relocation of the bus station within the town centre and are aware that the Crescent has been previously considered, we would not consider it appropriate to make the Parade into a linear bus Station.

The bus station currently includes a café, information centre, staff accommodation and toilets.  We would urge the Council to consider full Consultation allowing engagement with Somerset Bus Users, TravelWatch SouthWest, UK Citizens, and Transport Focus etc.  There must be consultation with.

 We would have liked the opportunity to raise this in a public forum but understand this could not happen for an exempt item.  Therefore, we are asking that this letter is circulated to members of the Executive.  We must emphasise that, our concern is with retention of facility to the community and not in the land and that if the facility is moved, we would like full consultation with key stakeholders.

C.    Mr Nigel Behan asked the following questions in relation to Item 9 – Taunton Bus Station;


1.     Will Somerset West & Taunton (SWT) commit (as part owner of the site) to continue to maintain the site as a Bus Station and in conjunction with Somerset County Council (SCC) who state:


Together we look at the transport requirements throughout Somerset and work out the best way to achieve a comprehensive and efficient transport network.”




“We have long recognised the benefits of sustainable modes of transport and is committed to encouraging residents, businesses and visitors to the county to adopt a positive, healthy lifestyle which embraces walking and cycling as a regular part of their daily routine wherever possible.”?


2.     As “The County Council and District Councils are working together to produce a joint Climate Emergency Strategy will the survey/”Have your say” drops-in consult on public transport (including an expansion of the bus and train network) and appropriate infrastructure that is necessary for this purpose: for instance securing the existing Bus Station and creating public transport hubs (interchanges) etc?


3.     How will Service Users, Electors, Citizens, Residents and Council Taxpayers be meaningfully consulted on the future of Taunton Bus Station and additionally an integrated Public Transport (buses and trains etc) Network (and prioritising it as part of tackling (anthropogenic) climate change) in Somerset West and Taunton (and beyond)?



Councillor Marcus Kravis (Portfolio Holder for Asset Management and Economic Development) thanked Mr Behan for his questions and responded that whilst the item was to be held in confidential session, he would say that for economic and social reasons the Council was keen to ensure there was a more than suitable bus service for the whole of the district. Any decisions around the Bus Station and whether it stays open or closed is down to the Bus Company and also the County Council bears responsibility.