Agenda item

Draft 2019-20 Fees and Charges


The purpose of the report was toset out the proposed fees and charges that are proposed to be applied to services for the first time for the new council for 2019/20. In determination of these fees and charges the following principles have been applied:-

i) Harmonisation of fees when it has been practical to do so

ii) Recovery of costs

iii) Setting of fees in line with statutory guidance


In the setting of these fees and charges, a pragmatic approach has been taken for the first year of the new council. A detailed review will be undertaken once the new operating model is embedded and fully in place.


During the discussion of this item Members made comments and statements and asked questions, and the following main points were raised:

·         Where practical to do so the aim was to harmonise fees and charges where possible.

·         All the fees and charges would be located in one book for members of the public to access.

·         Listed buildings advice for householders and developments was discussed. The changes would encourage users of the service to take advice before submitting an application.

·         Parking Charges were considered, the returns on tangier coach parking charges were requested to be considered due to this car park being the only one to charge coaches across the new district.

·         Open spaces would need to be charged to car parks to address the surplus, work was still to be done in relation to the accounting.


RESOLVED that the Shadow Executive recommends that Shadow Council approve the proposedFees and Charges for 2019/20.

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