The purpose of the report was to seek approval of the Somerset Waste Partnership’s Draft Business Plan 2019-2024.
The Somerset Waste Partnership is governed through a Joint Committee known as the Somerset Waste Board. The SWB Constitution required the preparation of a Business Plan on an annual basis. The plan had a five year horizon with particular focus on the next 12 months, and it provided a framework within which the board could make decisions and steer the delivery of waste partnership services. The Board had delegated authority for decision making across all services and therefore must make proposals to the partners on how savings could be made, taking into account any requirements to make savings and proposals on how this could be achieved.
The Board’s business planning cycle required a draft report to be approved by the Board in October and circulated to partners for comment prior to the adoption of the Board’s Annual Budget the following February. Further to decisions taken by the Board in October 2017 the timetable for approving this plan would again be brought forward, with the Draft Business plan presented for Board Approval in November 2018, scrutinised by partner authorities in November and early December and presented for final approval at the December Board meeting. Once approved or noted by all partners, the plan would be formally adopted by the Board to provide a framework within which the Board could make decisions and steer the delivery of Waste Partnership services.
The Draft Business Plan and associated Action Plan, detailed appendix 1, were the means by which the partnership described its business, evaluated changes to the operating environment, identified strategic risks and set out its priorities. The plan had a five year horizon with particular focus on the next 12 months. It was the primary means to seek approval for and to secure the necessary resources to implement its proposals from the partner authorities.
The plan also set out the draft Annual Budget for the Waste Partnership for 2019/20, which for the Somerset West and Taunton represented an increase of £274,000.
During the discussion of this item Members made comments and statements and asked questions, and the following main points were raised:
· Encouraging recycling was still a focus, supporting and educating residents was still conducted to minimize recycling being disposed of in household waste.
· The legacy of two existing landfill sites would be communicated with Councillors.
· It was questioned if the creation of the New Council would save money through the Somerset Waste Partnership contract; along with how costs could be saved through process redesign.
· The costs has been achieved due to the service being operated through the whole of the county so the savings had already been delivered through the existing contract.
· The greater use of technology enabled smoother processes and prevented problems reoccurring in the service.
· Waste collections on new developments and ensuring these were fit for purpose should be factored in. Planning and customer interaction would was a priority and part of the future success of the process.
· A new depot was not considered necessary as part of future proposals.
RESOLVEDthat the Shadow Executive:-
1) Approve the Somerset Waste Partnership’s Draft Business Plan 2019-24.
2) Approve the projected budget for 2019/20 subject to the finalisation of the figures.
Supporting documents: