100 Commercial Investment/Asset Management Strategies PDF 470 KB
This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Corporate Resources, Councillor Ross Henley.
Additional documents:
During the discussion, the following points were raised:-
· Councillor M Kravis left the meeting.
· The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services thanked officers for all their expertise and the hard work involved in producing the report.
· Councillors welcomed the income produced by the Strategy. However, they were disappointed to be put in the position of relying on commercial investment to be able to provide local services for the community due to lack of funding received from Central Government.
· Councillors were keen to see more investment in the local area but understood that it might not raise the same level of income.
· Concern was raised on the volatility of income streams.
· Councillors K Durdan and A Govier left the meeting.
· Councillors were pleased to see that great care had been given when the investment properties had been chosen.
· Councillor K Durdan returned to the room.
Resolved that Full Council:-
2.1Supported the following recommendations: -
a) Noted the six-monthly update information.
b) Adoption of the revised Commercial Investment Strategy at Appendix 2.
c) Adopted the Asset Management Strategy as an interim document pending transition to a Unitary authority (Appendix 3)
This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor Ross Henley (Corporate Resources).
Report Author: Chris Hall, Director of Development and Place
Additional documents:
The Corporate Scrutiny Committee resolved to note the recommendations contained in the report:
2.1 Full Council is requested to support the following recommendations: -
a) Note the six-monthly update information.
b) Adoption of the revised Commercial Investment Strategy at Appendix 2.
c) Adopt the Asset Management Strategy as an interim document pending transition to a Unitary authority (Appendix 3).