Issue - meetings

To consider reports from Executive Councillors

Meeting: 03/11/2021 - SWT Corporate Scrutiny Committee (Item 61)

61 To consider reports from Executive Councillors - Cllr Federica Smith Roberts pdf icon PDF 355 KB

To consider reports from Executive Councillors on their respective Portfolios;


i.                 Councillor Federica Smith-Roberts – Leader of the Council & Communications


3.2 of the Scrutiny Terms of Reference state that the Scrutiny Committee may review and scrutinise and ask questions of the Leader, lead Councillors, the Executive in relation to their portfolios.


Additional documents:


The Chair advised that the agenda order had been revised so that item 9, to consider reports from Executive Councillors – Federica Smith-Roberts was discussed ahead of item 8, the Innovation District Update.  


Councillor Federica Smith-Roberts was welcomed to the Corporate Scrutiny Committee meeting. The Chair explained that this was an opportunity for councillors to ask questions to the Leader and then opened the debate.  

During the debate the following comments and questions were raised:  


·        An explanation of the makeup of the Local Government Reorganisation Joint Committee upon which Cllr Smith-Roberts sits was given. It was encouraged that the views of all councillors would be represented by the Leader on this Joint Committee. It was recognised that a two-way flow of information would be beneficial 

·        It was highlighted that a letter from government regarding the draft Structural Change Order had been received and that it was currently with the Council’s legal team and would be shared with councillors the next day.  

·        Concerns were expressed about how long councillors will have to comment upon the draft Structural Change OrderCouncillors commenting upon the draft was encouraged 

·        Continuing to progress the Council’s initiatives and current projects where possible ahead of the new Unitary Authority being implemented was encouraged.  

·        Concerns were raised about the level of representation for the residents of Somerset West and Taunton and particularly representation for sparsely populated areas following the implementation of the new Unitary Authority.  

·        It was highlighted that both the Local Government Reform Joint Committee and Local Government Reform Advisory Board meetings are open to all 

·        Concerns were raised about the capital and revenue provisions for Local Government Reorganisation, and it was questioned as to whether budgets had been agreedThe Leader responded that budgeting for the set-up costs of the new authority were still being discussed.  

·        Concerns were raised about the creation of Local Community Networks and the impact of their creation upon parish councils 

·        It was questioned why the letter from government regarding the draft Structural Change Order had been circulated to the monitoring officers and legal first and had not yet been provided to councillors.  

·        It was questioned whether compensation was ever paid to Maggie’s Centre. The Leader responded that no compensation had been paid to Maggie’s Centre.  

·        Supporting local business through the impact of Covid-19 was encouraged. It was encouraged that the Leader should consider meeting with local businesses. The efforts of the Council in ensuring Covid grants were paid out promptly to businesses were praised.  

·        It was questioned what the net return and yield is from the commercial strategy and what the latest progress on the commercial strategy was.  

·        Concerns were raised about the procedure through which a motion was put forth and adopted at the last Full Council meeting and whether this had set a precedent. 

·        It was questioned whether the Council has a communications strategy and where information  ...  view the full minutes text for item 61