Issue - meetings

East Quay Wall

Meeting: 27/04/2020 - SWT Full Council (Item 158)

158 Splash Point Repair Works pdf icon PDF 341 KB

This matter is the responsibility of the Executive Councillor for Asset Management and Economic Development, Councillor Marcus Kravis.


This report provides Members with an update on the emergency repair work carried out at Splash Point, Watchet.

Additional documents:


During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

·         Councillors thanked the Localities Manager and his team for all their hard work on the repairs.

·         Councillors queried whether officers had approached EDF for help with funding, carried out any crowd funding or whether the Council could lobby Government for support.

The Localities Manager advised that he had approached EDF previously in regards to the dredging and their response was that the community impact mitigation fund could only be applied for if there was a clear link with the issue to be resolved and their development, which there wasn’t in this case.  Crowd funding had not been looked into yet, but could be done retrospectively.  With regards to lobbying the Government, officers would be advised that the Environment Agency was funded by Government and that there was a flood defence aid fund that could be applied for, but the criteria that would be required was heavily dependent on how many properties would be protected by the flooding.

·         Councillors queried how much it would cost to dredge the marina, in case the responsibility fell back with the Council.

The Localities Manager advised that he did not have a quote for the cost of dredging, as this was the direct responsibility of the marina operator and if the lease was lapsed, he would look for a new operator and part of the new lease would be to bring the marina back up to certain specifications.

·         Councillors acknowledged it was unfortunate that the Rivers Authority would not grant any funding.

·         Councillors queried the information given in the report brought to Full Council on 27 January 2020 and if the dredge was carried out up to the harbour wall, would it impact on the stability of the inner wall.

The Localities Manager confirmed that their work was to stabilise the central section of the wall and to do that would require an element of dredging.

·         Councillors were keen to move forward with the repair works for the people of Watchet.


Resolved that Full Council:-

a)    Supported the completion of the works;

b)    Approved a Capital Programme Supplementary Budget of £900,000, and approved the use of borrowing subject to the S151 Officer determining the most appropriate source of funding; and

c)    Approved a Revenue Budget increase of £106,000 for the asset repairs and maintenance, funded from General Reserves.

Meeting: 27/01/2020 - SWT Full Council (Item 112)

112 East Quay Wall pdf icon PDF 359 KB

This matter is the responsibility of Executive Councillor for Asset Management and Economic Development, Councillor Marcus Kravis.


This report sets out the current situation with the East Quay wall, Watchet and the options that the Council have to maintain this asset into the future. It does not seek approval of a permanent solution for the repair at Splash Point, this will be dealt with separately once possible design options have been established, but does request financial approval of the design work for this permanent repair.

Additional documents:


During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

·         The Chair of the Council thanked Chris Hall and his team on behalf of all the Councillors for all the hard work that they had done on the project.

·         Concern was raised on Splash Point and the money being spent and whether it would ‘future proof’ the area from future damage.

·         Concern was raised that Government did not help Council like Somerset West and Taunton in situations like that.

Central Government funding was held by the Environment Agency and Local Councils could bid for that.  Somerset West and Taunton was in the process of bidding for some but were not likely to get help with the emergency repairs but it was possible that help might be given for Splash Point due to the vulnerable domestic properties located along the Esplanade.

·         Councillors were pleased to see in the report that the southern section was not going to be as expensive to work and that the area had been described as ‘sound’.

·         Councillors queried who was responsible for the dredging of the Marina and when it was last carried out.

The Council was responsible for the harbour area and the Marina Operator was responsible for the Marina.  Officers were in contact with the Marina Operator to ensure they were compliant with their lease agreement.

·         Concern was raised on the design costs and whether the two costs could be combined to save money.

Clarification was given on the two designs needed, the fees were high as they came with a guarantee for the professional services required for the design work, which would be put through the procurement process.


Resolved that Full Council approved the following additions to the Capital Programme, which would be funded through borrowing:-

1)    The following to the Capital Programme for 2019/20:

The sum of £100k be allocated to the wall design works at Splash Point and

The sum of £100k be allocated to the wall design works at East Quay

2)    And the following to the Capital Programme for 2020/21:

The sum of £500k be allocated to reinforce the East Quay wall in the central section and

The sum of £40k for project management resource to deliver this project to its conclusion.