Issue - meetings

Election of Chair

Meeting: 22/05/2019 - SWT Full Council (Item 1)

Election of Chair

It is a legal requirement that the first formal business at the Annual Meeting of Council shall be the election of a Councillor to be the Chair of the Council.


Once the new Chair is elected they will make and sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and receive the Chain of Office.


The newly elected Chairman will preside from this point in the proceedings.


RESOLVED  that Councillor Hazel Ruth Prior-Sankey be elected Chair of the Council for the ensuing municipal year.


Councillor Prior-Sankey signed and made the declaration of acceptance of office, and thanked Councillors for their support.


A moment’s silence was then undertaken at the behest of the Chair for the memory of former Councillor and Mayor of Taunton Deane Bob Bowrah BEM.