Decision details

Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Decision Maker: Communications and Corporate Resources Portfolio Holder

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Details of decision:


1)  Go Create CIC & Creative Innovation Centre CIC -

A bid for £5000 to provide support toward the rental costs of the large meeting room at Flook House so that the two CIC’s and other not-for-profit organisations can support arts and cultural social enterprises to deliver community-based programmes, workshops, vocational learning and community meetings as identified in the Cultural Strategy. From arts health and wellbeing workshops to youth programmes and public events to encourage participation are just some of these events that will benefit the community. The costs for the meeting room cannot be supported by all associated organisations at this time as many are not-for-profit and funding the rent for 12 months will allow these organisations to look at non-SWT potential funding applications. The funds would also help make good the meeting room and other areas that the tenants will reside in e.g. painting, cosmetic works, etc. Thus, supporting the cultural strategy and helping to develop an arts and culture community asset.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2500 be awarded to this project.


2)  Voce Chamber Choir –

A bid for a contribution (circa £4200) to help prepare and deliver a free workshop for up to 20 people, followed by a free concert to be held in the Tudor Hall of the Old Municipal Building, which has a maximum capacity of 100 people. These events will both be actively promoted through local radio and social media, music clubs, art magazines, schools and colleges. There will be a focus on the music of Richard Mico, along with other music chosen on the theme of Births, Marriages and Death to reflect the current use of the building, which is home to Somerset Registration Services. This day will contribute to a wider project across the arts celebrating the 500th Anniversary of Old Municipal Buildings (OMB500) which will involve arts projects and contributions from a local historian and South West Heritage.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2100 be made to this project.


3)  Tim Hill and The Sound of the Streets –

A bid for a contribution (£6000) to this event, a free three-day festival. The Sound of the Streets will also create a website, make films and podcasts, and run education projects to inspire children and young people and support them to playing instruments and joining bands. The festival will run from 6pm Friday July 8th to 6pm Sunday, July 10th. The festival will be based in Goodland’s Gardens with a marquee and stage, plus a stage in Castle Green and performances in the High Street.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £3000 be made to the event.


4)  YMCA Taunton -

A bid for £4692 to replace existing lighting in their sports hall and dance studio. The current lighting in these areas is old, poor quality and in some cases broken. They wish to install LED lighting that will provide a brighter light and is more economical in terms of running costs and maintenance. Current users of the building find that the ineffective lighting curtails their participation and enjoyment of activities.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


5)  Taunton Pride CIC -

A bid for a contribution of £5511 towards the costs of the Pride Parade 2022 part of Taunton Live & Pride Festival 2022 celebrating the arts, diversity, culture and inclusivity with the theme of Educate / Celebrate and IntersectionAll.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2756 be made to the event.


6)  Cllr Hazel Prior-Sankey –

Further to its approval in principle subject to costings on 07/03, a bid towards the costs of putting hard standing underneath one of the two Basketball hoops in Hawthorn Park, Taunton. (Quotation - £2504)


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


7)  Cllr Tom Deakin -

A bid for the costs of installing one new General Purpose Bin in front of the Community Centre in Wilton and Sherford area at a cost of £1000, which would cover the installation plus a year of emptying.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


Publication date: 10/06/2022

Date of decision: 10/06/2022

Effective from: 18/06/2022

Accompanying Documents: