Decision details

Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Decision Maker: Communications and Corporate Resources Portfolio Holder

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Details of decision:


1)  Somerset Armed Forces Day Committee -

A bid for a contribution towards the costs of putting on the Armed Forces Day free event in Vivary Park and Wilton Lands this summer.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2000 be made to the event. It is recommended that all funds were to be drawn down by December 2022 or they will be de-allocated.


2)  Creative Innovation Centre CIC –

A bid for a contribution towards the cost of installing new commercial grade aluminium front doors with windows to the Centre.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £1000 be made to this project. The bidders were advised to double check for any listed building/planning consent issues. It is recommended that all funds needed to be drawn down by December 2022 or they will be de-allocated.


3)  GoCreate Taunton CIC –

A bid for a contribution towards the costs of an outdoor trail of up to 30 corgi’s to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2000 be made to the event. It is recommended that all funds needed to be drawn down by December 2022 or they will be de-allocated.


4)  Crimestoppers in the West Country -

A bid for a contribution towards the ‘What Would You Do?’ programme working with 9-10 year olds through drama based workshops and performance. The project is an early intervention to grooming for gang crime (including county lines), online safety, healthy relationships, mob mentality and Child (sexual and criminal) exploitation and will be specifically run in Halcon and North Taunton.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £2000 be made to the event. It is recommended that all funds needed to be drawn down by December 2022 or they will be de-allocated.





5)  Craig Stone – SWT Town Centre Resilience and Transformation Lead

A bid for a contribution towards the costs of various Jubilee themed activities and enhancements taking place across the towns in the District this summer. A list of enhancements worth around £21,000 were highlighted in the bid.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that whilst they were fully supportive of the work, the lack of funding available to the Charter Trustees, not being a Town Council, meant that they unfortunately could not supplement with funds from this years Special Expenses budget, which was limited in size. They recommended that the Officer liaise with Officers supporting the Charter Trustees to see if the Mayoral Activities and Events budget could help support this activity and that they may be in a position to offer further support later in the year once the position has been established on the disbursement of the Special Expenses Budget for 22/23.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources subsequent to this has agreed to support the activities for Taunton by allocating the £4000 in the Special Expenses budget which has been held ring-fenced to be re-charged to SWT for the costs associated with Mayoral Activities and Events in previous years to be used towards supporting the Jubilee activities this forthcoming year.


6)  Cllr Chris Booth -

A bid for the costs of installing new play equipment in the Lane Estate area at Blenheim Road Play Park and Allington Close Park following requests from the community. The total costs expected are £10,649.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


7)  Cllr Tom Deakin - St. George’s Church, Wilton PCC

A bid towards the costs of installing bike racks outside St. George’s Church Wilton, for up to six cycles. The bidders were advised to check for any requirements around Heritage or Planning consents before undertaking the work. The total cost of the project was anticipated as being £250.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


8)  Cllr Simon Coles -

A bid for the costs of installing two new Litter/Dog Bins in the Firepool/ Canal Area at a cost of £1000 per bin, which would cover the installation plus two years of emptying.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the bid be approved in full.


9)  Cllr Hazel Prior-Sankey -

A bid towards the costs of putting hard standing underneath one of the two Basketball hoops in Hawthorn Park, Taunton.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that whilst they agreed with the merits of the project in principle, without a quote from the Parks and Open Spaces Team for the work this bid would need to come back for final confirmation of support.



The below has been completed:






Relevant ward councillor(s) consulted

As part of the bid process, all Charter Trustees have been made aware of the bids.



The following are if appropriate / applicable:  Yes/No.  If yes the implications should be attached to this decision notice.


Finance implications

The remaining funds for this year stand at £1139.70


Legal implications




Links to corporate aims




Community Safety implications




Environmental implications



Equalities Impact


Safeguarding Implications




Risk management




Partnership implications




Any conflicts of interest declared by Executive PFH, Mayor or Standing Committee Members consulted on the proposed decision.  If Yes provide confirmation from Clerk to Charter Trustees to grant dispensation for the Mayor/Standing Committee Member’s views to be considered.






Decision Maker


I am aware of the details of this decision(s), considered the reasons, options, representations and consultation responses and give my approval / agreement to its implementation.





Name:   Councillor Ross Henley


Date:   15/03/2022


Note – This decision record is for decisions taken by the SWT Executive PFH following a recommendation by the Standing Committee of the Charter Trustees of Taunton. The decision(s) can be implemented following publication.


Note:  A copy should also be sent to the Governance Team and Civic Office –


Publication date: 15/03/2022

Date of decision: 15/03/2022

Effective from: 23/03/2022

Accompanying Documents: