Decision details

Award of Grant Funding from the Unparished Area Special Expenses Precept

Decision Maker: Communications and Corporate Resources Portfolio Holder

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Details of decision:


1)  St. Mary Magdalene Church PCC -

A bid for a contribution to the refurbishment of the Coach House, a Grade II listed building in the Church yard for community use. They currently have raised circa £98,000 as at September 2021.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that the project was awarded a contribution of £5000, to be released upon notification that the entire project budget requirement had been successfully fund-raised. The Standing Committee recommended that the PCC facilitate discussion with SWT to see if that authority would be willing to help contribute to the project by assisting with the landscaping aspects.


2)  Bath Place Traders Association –

A bid for a contribution to fund the cost of repairing and repainting 22 shop fronts in Bath Place, Taunton. This is just part of their overall project to keep Bath Place looking as clean, tidy and attractive as they possibly can. Bath Place Traders Association was set up in 1998 and currently has 18 members. BPTA and the committee themselves do not have any connections to the 3 businesses who have submitted quotes for this work.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended that a contribution of £5400 was awarded to the Association. They requested that the Economic Development department of the District Council supported the Association if possible in fundraising the rest of the required monies.


3)  COACH Centre for Outdoor Activity & Community Hub –

A bid for to fund a defibrillator, defibrillator box, pads and installation that can be erected on the outside of COACH so that it can be used by the community in an emergency to save lives. The cost of the project is outlined as £2,545.


RECOMMENDATION: The Standing Committee recommended to offer a contribution of £500.


Publication date: 27/09/2021

Date of decision: 24/09/2021

Effective from: 05/10/2021

Accompanying Documents: