Decision details

Somerset EV Charging Strategy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The report was introduced by the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, Cllr Peter Pilkington.


During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

·       It was good to see the progress being made, and the roll-out of locations for charging points in public spaces such as Council Car Parks needed to be prioritised. A focus on delivery was considered key.

·       Disappointment was voiced that the recommendation from the Scrutiny Committee for further detail on how the strategy would be delivered was not provided. Officers clarified that a section was added to the report after Scrutiny to add this further detail.

·       The provision of Semi-Public Rapids was commented as uneven across the four Districts in Somerset, with South Somerset having more than others. It was clarified that these were market led and installed on the basis of demand.

·       Clarification was sought on properties that had already installed EV charging points to the bare minimum specification, with concerns arising over incorrect cabling and unsuitable locations. It was urged that if this became Planning Policy this was enforced to ensure it was usable and meaningful. Officers commented that the District Council at the moment would rely on the County Council’s Travel Planning and Parking Guidance, which was in the process of being updated and which this document would help inform.

·       It was queried that the Equality and Diversity implications did not mention accessibility of design, which was considered a fundamental aspect. There was emerging guidance on this and reassurance that this would be considered was sought and officers confirmed this would be the case.


RESOLVED that the Somerset Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy was adopted and brought forward into the Council’s Carbon Neutrality and Climate Resilience Action Plan.

Report author: Graeme Thompson

Publication date: 26/01/2021

Date of decision: 15/12/2020

Decided at meeting: 15/12/2020 - SWT Full Council

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