Decision details

Single Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Accommodation Strategy & Delivery Plan

Decision Maker: SWT Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


During the discussion, the following points were raised: -

·       A query was raised as to how confident officers were of obtaining investment from partners?

·       Partners had reassured the Council they were happy with the investment but there are risks to SWT. The model had worked for many years previously and new partners were seeking to join. The Government had encouraged SWT to bid for more funding and officers were confident, but there were challenges around the market and timing.

·       Concern was raised around the confirmation of Right to Buy receipts in supporting the Delivery Plan.

·       It was confirmed that this was why the delegation to the s151 Officer had been built into the recommendations.

·       Further detail was requested as to the Community Scrutiny’s concerns regarding the Equality Impact Assessment.

·       Officers clarified that the concern ranged largely on the issue of female accommodation and the additional responsibilities on Local Authorities under the Domestic Abuse Act, for example, you now cannot place domestic abuse victims in a bed and breakfast.

·       It was confirmed that Gender Re-assignment was not presenting across SWT at the current moment but that in place was an Assessment and Referral panel to discuss complex cases on a weekly basis.

·       The Leader stated that this was an ambitious strategy in line with the Government’s aspirations, and SWT could be proud of this work due to its impact in turning people’s lives around.


RESOLVED that the Executive recommended to Full Council to;


a) Adopt the Single Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Accommodation Strategy (SHRSAS) (Appendix 1) and associated Delivery Plan (Confidential Appendix 2).

b) To approve the virement of £1.17m and a supplementary General Fund capital budget of £0.38m to support the capital investment of £1.55m as set out in section 6 and Confidential appendix 2.

c) To delegate authority to the Section 151 Officer to make the final funding decision for any capital budgets used in the GF or HRA, including any reallocation of part of the capital budget (b) from the General Fund to the HRA.

d) For members to note the predicted increase in revenue costs 2022-2025, and to delegate authority to the Section 151 Officer to agree the revenue funding allocations 2022-2025 through a combination of homelessness earmarked reserves, future successful bids for government grant, and Better Care Fund grant (subject to Health and Wellbeing Board approval on 22nd November 2021).



Report author: Chris Brown, Mark Leeman

Publication date: 19/08/2021

Date of decision: 18/08/2021

Decided at meeting: 18/08/2021 - SWT Executive

Accompanying Documents: