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The Housing Enabling and Development Manager presented the report on the North Taunton Woolaway Project which aimed to engage with the community who lived in the Woolaway properties and work with them to bring forward a phased regeneration scheme.
Within the report, the Board were reminded of the background information that had led to sufficient funding being awarded to TDBC which enabled the creation of a Master Planning Team to include expertise in Architecture, Community Consultation, Engineering and Cost Consultancy to support the Development Team in progressing the Project.
Following an extensive 12 month resident consultation and a range of detailed site investigations, an outline planning application and Phase A detailed planning application were submitted in December 2018.
The scheme Masterplan currently showed 5 phases, A to E. To continue momentum for the development, the report made a specific request for funding for Phase A.
Subject to planning approval, a tender process would begin to select the range of professionals, which included a build contractor to progress the scheme development with an application to start physical works during the financial year 2020/21.
The mix of homes was indicative at this stage and would be reviewed prior to the submission of Reserved Matters for subsequent phases. The intention was to undertake the project in 5 stages, to support the decant requirements of existing residents and enable each phase to be assessed against changes in housing need, affordability and mitigate future unknown changes which might affect the scheme proposal and financing.
During the discussion, the following points were raised:-
· Board Members queried how the residents felt about living next to a building site for the duration of the works.
There were mixed feelings within the community, however, they understood that the works needed to be carried out.
· Concern was raised on the cost of the works for the private home owners in the repair phase and how were they being supported as this was not funded by TDBC.
Officers were working with the effected residents and were exploring options of external grant funding which might be available to support the home owners in the repair phase who wished to undertake the repairs.
· Board Members queried what mix of housing tenure there would be for the new properties.
The tenants who were on social rent before the decant and were due to return to their properties, would remain on social rent, whilst any properties that were left, could be changed to affordable rent.
· Board Members queried whether the tenants who were on affordable rents would be eligible for the housing benefit top up.
Housing benefit would be available for those who were eligible for that assistance.
· Concern was raised that there could be a delay in funding and what contingency plans had been put in place to mitigate the risk.
The risk had been flagged so officers were aware. Within each phase there were internal contingencies for the reserved fund.
· Concern was raised that Central Government might reduce the social rents again which could affect the funds.
Officers had factored that into the calculations and it was one of the reasons why the work was being carried out in phases.
Resolved that the Board supported the following recommendations:-
1) The Council approved the project and the progression of the scheme. Council delegated the decisions to progress matters for the scheme to be determined by the Head of Commercial, Investment and Change in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder;
2) The Council approved the proposed funding of the scheme utilising a combination of capital receipts, Social Housing Development Fund revenue contribution, and capital borrowing. Council delegated the final funding arrangement to be determined by the S151 Officer in line with the Council’s capital and treasury strategies, prioritising affordability for the Housing Revenue Account;
3) The Council approved a supplementary budget of £7,200,000 within the HRA Capital Programme for Phase A of the North Taunton Woolaway Project;
4) Approval was granted to serve Initial and Final Demolition Notices, and for the demolition of properties to enable site clearance to facilitate new development for the whole scheme;
5) The Council approved in principle to utilise Compulsory Purchase Powers using section17 of the Housing Act 1985, should Vacant Possession not progress to acquire properties under the regeneration initiative detailed in this report, and to delegate such decision making to the Executive.
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