If there are no documents available for this meeting, please click on Attendance details, as the meeting may have been cancelled.
Venue: The John Meikle Room - The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton. View directions
Contact: Richard Bryant
No. | Item |
Additional documents: |
To report any apologies for absence.
To receive any communications.
Declaration of Interests.
To receive and record any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests or personal or prejudicial interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting. (The personal interests of Councillors and Clerks of Somerset County Council, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes.)
To receive questions from Taunton Deane Electors under Standing Order 15,
Receipt of any petitions or deputations under Standing Orders 16 and 17.
The Bishop Fox's Educational Foundation. A brief presentation by Councillor Stephen Martin-Scott relating to a local educational charity which could help fund local 11-24 year olds in activities that would help them reach their educational aspirations.
Part I - To deal with written questions to the Executive.
Part II - To receive reports from the following Members of the Executive (attached).
(a) Councillor John Williams – Leader of the Council; (b) Councillor Richard Parrish – Planning Policy and Transport Strategy; (c) Councillor Vivienne Stock-Williams – Sports, Parks and Leisure; (d) Councillor Andrew Sully – Corporate Resources; (e) Councillor Jane Warmington – Community Leadership; (f) Councillor Stephen Martin-Scott – Housing Services; (g) Councillor Patrick Berry – Environmental Services and Climate Change; and (h) Councillor Mark Edwards – Economic Development, Asset Management, Arts and Culture, Tourism and Communications.
Following the discussion of the Executive Councillor reports, the Deputy Mayor will take the Chair for the following items.
Additional documents: |
Councillor Catherine Avril Herbert
Councillor Jane Warmington to propose and Councillor Terry Hall to second:-
"That the best thanks of the Council be accorded to Councillor Catherine Avril Herbert for the manner in which she has discharged the duties of the office of Mayor of the Borough during her term of office".
(Note : Councillor Mrs Herbert’s term will formally end on 31 March 2019 as the new Somerset West and Taunton Council comes into operation on 1 April 2019. This meeting is therefore the last opportunity the Full Council of Taunton Deane Borough Council will have to offer its thanks to the Mayor. After 1 April, the Mayor will continue to honour invitations to events and engagements on an ‘informal’ basis up to and including 2 May 2019 when the Local Government Elections will be held.)
Councillor Mrs Herbert will reply. |
The Deputy Mayor will present to Councillor Mrs Herbert her Past Mayor Badge.