Meeting documents

TDBC Special Full Council
Wednesday, 14th November, 2018 6.30 pm

If there are no documents available for this meeting, please click on Attendance details, as the meeting may have been cancelled.

Venue: The County Room, Somerset County Cricket Club, Taunton.

Contact: Richard Bryant 

No. Item




Public Participation


Declarations of Interest

    To receive declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or personal or prejudicial interests, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, in relation to items on the agenda. Such interests need to be declared even if they have already been recorded in the Register of Interests. The personal interests of Councillors who are County Councillors or Town or Parish Councillors will automatically be recorded in the minutes.


Firepool Report

    In accordance with Clause 27 of the Procedure Rules for Full Council, the Mayor has received and granted a requisition to convene a Special meeting of Full Council as follows:


    "Dear Madam Mayor,


    In light of the decision by St Modwen to withdraw from the Firepool development further delaying the delivery of Tauntons’ Vision, we would request that a "Special Full Council" meeting is convened at the earliest opportunity to consider the implications of this move on the economic and commercial future of our County Town’s regeneration.


    As Leader of the Opposition I ask that the Leader of the Council and the Economic Development Asset Management Portfolio Holder consider standing down ahead of the Special Full Council and handing their roles over to other Members who would enjoy cross party support for this most important regeneration opportunity for the County Town in 150 years.


    There is a desperate need for new thinking and transparency in the eyes of the public as well as a genuine desire to bring forward the benefits of the River Tone running through the heart of the County Town.


    Simon Coles"


    In accordance with the terms of the Constitution, the above request has been supported by Councillors Chris Booth, Habib Farbahi, Marcia Hill, Jefferson Horsley and Sue Lees.