If there are no documents available for this meeting, please click on Attendance details, as the meeting may have been cancelled.
Venue: The Shire Hall, Shuttern, Taunton
Contact: Richard Bryant
No. | Item |
Additional documents: |
To report any apologies for absence.
To receive any communications.
Declaration of Interests.
To receive declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or personal or prejudicial interests, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, in relation to items on the agenda. Such interests need to be declared even if they have already been recorded in the Register of Interests. The personal interests of Councillors who are County Councillors or Town or Parish Councillors will automatically be recorded in the minutes.
To receive questions from Taunton Deane Electors under Standing Order 15.
Receipt of any further petitions or deputations under Standing Orders 16 and 17.
Additional documents: |
Additional documents: |
Part I - To deal with written questions to the Executive.
Part II - To receive reports from the following Members of the Executive (attached):- PDF 375 KB
(a) Councillor John Williams – Leader of the Council; (b) Councillor Andrew Sully – Corporate Resources (c) Councillor Jane Warmington – Community Leadership (d) Councillor Terry Beale – Housing Services (e) Councillor Patrick Berry – Environmental Services and Climate Change (f) Councillor Mark Edwards – Economic Development, Asset Management, Arts and Culture, Tourism and Communications; (g) Councillor Richard Parrish – Planning Policy and Transportation; (h) Councillor Vivienne Stock-Williams – Sports, Parks and Leisure. Additional documents: |